Seems shockingly unfair and phobic to call this damn virus the Coronavirus. The Corona Brewing Company had nothing to do with this unfortunate viral development, but now almost 40% of their main demographic (Dumb beer sheep convinced by ads they are drinking decent Mexican beer, aged 25-50) believe that drinking a Corona Extra is death sentence. They are doomed, their brand is toast, call it a kegger. DosXX, Pacificos, Modeloes, and Sols are all better anyway, but it's still sad, it's still an ender. Never bought in to the urban myth of piss in the Corona brew, but it wasn't an overly outlandish accusation, it might've been true.
This Hydroxychloroquine, taken along with the mighty Z-Pack, seems promising, and the anti-bodies are plentiful now, vaccines are in development. The end is in sight. Politicians will take credit, they will blame and sneer, they will not make us proud. The newspeople will do their tabloiding, it is all they know. The smug bug club.
A resurrection of our American life is on the horizon, we will get busy again, we will consume, we will have it our way. It will be made in the U.S.A., by yankees, doodles, and dandies. China already has a Great Wall, but it didn't seem to work. Viruses don't care about walls, they are busy mutating. They lurk.