Wake me when it's over.
Is rare.
Is elusive.
Is humbling.
Is real.
Is brave.
Is daring.
Is hard.
Is avoided.
Is true.
Bleed like Jesus, beads of blood dripping down your face.
Love like Jesus, uninhibited and pure.
Die like Jesus, to live again forever.
Trashy ain't cool.
Chuck Berry was better than Elvis.
Turnip greens are essential.
*These roads, always under repair.
*Potholes filled with gravel and tar.
*Patted down to even out the street.
*The hitchhikers complain of the smell.
*Like any consideration is given to them.
*Those without cars or trucks are last.
*Last to arrive and last to leave.
30,000 days.
30,000 nights.
If you live a long life.