These potential solutions and resolutions, propelling our future, redefining our culture, changing the game, awakening our society. Meanwhile, the finest checker players in the world gathered in the newsrooms, huddled up for the Zoom meeting, and plotted their next play. One move at a time, isolated in the present, victims of historical ignorance and horizon blindness. No nuance, only bluster, low IQ, low EQ, the basic minds. Cheering themselves.
The chess players wait their turn, hooks baited. Learning from the past, anticipating the future. The knights, the rooks, the bishops, even the pawns. All working together to defend, attack, flank, maneuver, and set up. Working the boards, keeping the cool, checking the mates.
In China, commies do what commies do, we've all seen this before. Only our capitalism makes them go. However, the demand for their supply is shrinking fast, they are the thugs of Asia. Their people want their MTV too, they mourn, Mao is squirming in his tomb. The liberty virus is highly contagious.