Organizations are at stake, full of payrolls and self-sustaining procedures, steered by visions and guidelines, complete with missions and objectives. Wrap all that in saran, keep it air tight, don't let the sunlight ruin utopia. Save it for another day, put it on dark ice for the winter, the freezer won't burn. With bloodshot eyes and mealy mouths, organizations fabricate, manipulate, and stipulate. Rules to protect the organization, rules to eliminate disagreement, rules to eliminate the rule of reality, rules to insure ruling.
Institutions are cracked. They were cracked from the beginning, but the Liberty Bell rang out anyway. From Philadelphia, the most impressive bird of all birds, the regal, the stoic, the famous bald eagle. Their talons grip ten times tighter than human hands, they dig those claws deep, prey is rarely lost, our fine national bird. They thrive above the noise, in soaring peace, in natural silence, with speed and sight.
These shouting robbers, these cowardly goons, these runts of the litter. Get off your horse and fight, let's see what you got, let's see if the shouting works, slamdance with some slogans, mosh in the shame pit, request surrender formally, come and take it. Wake me when it's over, here's where it gets boring. Uncomfortable conversations are the only kind worth having, but many people never listen, they are hiding, they are proclaiming, they are accusing, they are insecure. Dumbed down and dim.