There are no results to accept yet, the certified, bona fide kind, the only kind that matter when it comes to acceptance in voting matters. Probably a technicality anyways. However, there are many things to accept right here and right now, in digital permanence, in atmospheric cloudiness, with wireless conviction and truth, as observed from the outside looking in, as seen and known. For starters, accept that many have declared a winner of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election based on projected results. Not to insult the individual projectors, but as a group, as an occupation, it's been a tough run, a bunch of flops, a bit unimpressive.
Wait until the projections are validated by the certified and bona fide results to accept them, it's fine, it's a basic and reasonable tenant of obviousness. Most likely it's a technicality anyways. Next, accept what you want to accept. Accept is a word, it can be spoken, written, and thought. The 1st Amendment is one fine Amendment.
Accepting reality is an important skill. Reality is constantly being avoided by many, it's usually being manipulated by a few, and causes all kinds of misery for those who avoid it. Accepting reality should be done carefully, with much thought and deliberation, with doubts and curiosities. Reality should be tested, especially these days, especially by any self-respecting journalist, reporting must be accurate for reporting to be accepted. It's virtually a technicality anyways.