Understanding or convincing cleaned people is boring, giving them the dirty truth is pointless. Anything but the dirty truth. Over and over, they glaze, they chant, they mutter, they make note, they whine and moan for another bath. Wash, wash, wash, always washing. Their laughs are hateful laughs, void of humor, full of threats.
Many observations, in all manner of dimensions, have been reported. Lots of hope in the observations, which is dangerous. Not enough skepticism, which is where the best observations are made, observations that pass the muster, observations that stick. One important point, there is no crying while observing, save that for later, after the report is filed, after the story is written, when the soul relaxes. This is a critical point for any respectable observer, please read the previous sentence again.
These tactics are obnoxious, these strategies are flimsy, these manipulations are real. The Ivy League has let us down, their vines are infected, their tanks don't think anymore, they are elite no longer. The mopey dopes, the foolish fools, the bores. They are running up the garden wall, they are slipping, they are falling, bells are ringing, dings are dinging, alerts are alerting, the post modern dim. Empty and clean.