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In A Jar

.in this jar. .i'm in this jar. .come take me home lord. .come take my heart.  .had my one love. .my one true love. .completely happy. .we were in love.  .but I'm in this jar. .in this dang jar. .no way outta here. .come take my heart.  .my light is dimming. .but it's glowing still. .see them coming. .my lifelong friends.  .they worked all day. .they gave me air. .now I'm with my true love. .once again.  .i was in a jar. .dying in a jar. .now I'm still living. .thanks to my friends. gcamg

Listening Rooms

.occupier of the day. .lift the weight. .stay active. .accomplish. .sounds of the rappers. .insecure and vulgar. .little respect. .aretha. .keep the stores stocked. .units of importance. .money time. .commerce. .ruffled up and tragic. .place of years. .listening rooms. .avoiders. .and hours and hours. .tick tock away. .vow bound. .commited.

Technology Music

Delicately taped and very breakable.  They don't make things like they used to.  Prepare for an afternoon nap and watch the entertainers.  Overacting is the secret to success, so many passive watchers.  Bordello queens and horn players.  The mexicans are always smiling.  Rushing around and rearranging lives.  The center of everyone's world, assuming we understand the injustice and hurtfulness of it all.  That danish guy, the artist.  Technology music and electronic minds.  The kingdom trying to keep the island people out.

Item Relocation

Moving is about item relocation.  On the move.  That's why they call it moving. Packing is the thing, going through the previous days of life.  All important, all ended with decisions made and incoherent dreams. Some remembered, others ignored.  Clear out the house.  Out with the dusty, old, heavy furniture.  Bring in the new dust.  Find an electric drill.  Break it down to the frame. Tired and moaning.  We know we weren't expected.  It's the only way.

The Texican Maneuver

.stay right here .let it loose .they can look right into our windows .nosey and unrelenting .they will come for money and blood .they will dig in and fight .talk with measured words .claw our way to respectability .smoking rooms and bribes .we can start all over .we can begin again .as weird as it sounds .the texican maneuver .the law men have already decided .bluffs are coming soon .stay steady and calm .the unbelieving are aghast .what happens next is considered .the american guy was easily distracted .drank expensive drinks and sweated heavily .talked down to people habitually .an awful trait .looking for a way out .keep the peace at all costs .unconscious before eleven .talked about louisiana the next morning .they were relieved.

Dignity Babe

the blow the top.the breaking point.the end of her rope. it has muddled my mind.the age of we see it anyway. I would take us off the cliff.I would ram is into a tree or something.I would skid on the pavement.I would stutter and gasp. the challenge of our day. keep the dignity babe. showed me from the has become impossible.the thought of what was supposed to be.back when plans and dreams were made. we are living this dream.every night. I keep after day.finite and constant. always aware.always aware. I will miss time when it's gone...


...and the time is always express.otherwise, all is lost.otherwise, it is dead and gone.mortal.words hurt, you know.they are the microphones of the mind, heart, and soul.unless, we are deceiving, then the reverse is about your own sin.fill up the truck.lay it down with humility, the closest trait to aware of your worst.there is plenty.the singers this time of year.choirs, singing baby king songs.just listening, with my eyes closed.people are busting out all over.they are restless and speech wanna b's.commerce cannot be forced.the constitution has been ignored.common sense has been ignored.competence has been ignored.this has already happened.the door is swinging wildly.the harlots whine...

Gold Something

.get the five dollar bread and the best wine at the corner store.this place is for sale.nickels and dimes.scotch tape price tags.old clothes.not worn out.worn in.knows how to sit just right.happens to pass by.and a glowing smile.the air is musty tonight.the clouds have swelled.provisions are stacked high.shame is gone.blame is accepted.forgiveness is close.oh, to forgive just one person.that can change the world.just that one act of grace.if everyone did.the streaks of hair color.had to grow out.for curiosity is a very strong instinct.'the idea is the machine for the art'.that dude is something.ten years off the boat and already a manager.adaptability is the action of a sage.claim to know only truth.explain where to find is all.think God.I'll ask george burns when I meet him.

Little Robots (Sign Of The Scorned)

Pleased myself. Did it right. Long, drawn out explanations. The context always surrounds. To some's disdain. But to most's benefit. Little robots, tight and apprehensive. Only supper time around here. They eat late in the city. Maybe we won't get hit. The taxi men are wild. Belly dancing girls and caviar. It will creep up on you like a yearly fee. Engulfing all that might get in the way. Washed up flower girls sick of their life. Slender and haughty the sign of the scorned.

Dunlop And A Three

"Throw me high. Bend the back and turn the torso. Hit me at the top, just as I start coming down. Give me about a three foot clearance over the net on ground strokes, those net shots sting. To make me spin properly, you must flick the wrist and finish the swing. I will nail lines, slide low, kick up, and drop dead. All the manipulation you can execute. Newly opened and just burst from the controlled air. Swooooshhh, when the top was popped from the can, my sister and brother carrying the same label and number as me. Dunlop and a three. We were ready to provide for a spirited game of tennis. The opponents, Keck, who took us off the shelf and bought us and Gorman, who is known for frustrated whacks into the fence and irrational blasts into the nearby creek when really frustrated. Especially if you've become a just a little dead. I don't want to end up in some bird nest or sink to the bottom of some damn creek. He's not too bad, and seems to have mellowed wi...

Shine Shine Shine

.the beer must get through .blowing fans and dried wood .a transaction in the end .clean break .the aftermath is left to us .we are stolen fools .we are selfish actors .took the long way and doubled back .memory is jammed full .everyone has an opinion .it must be made right .the producer movie and show about music, food, and struggle .be yourself .shine .shine .shine

Unbelieving Trances

.call city hall.get some bulldozers out here dangit.someone should to carry the time, time to carry the tunes.hybrids is the way to go.we are all mixed up.messed up too.the boss let us Jean butt shot and born in the seeger sessions.don't blink.don't write too much.a fender bender would be very unwelcome right now.and always.but especially right now.this cobblestone is nasty.big chunks of ice the city didn't clear.taxes man.I pay taxes!the sun is bright and games will wreck a mind.can't give away that time.its only glow time.unbelieving trances.the killer kind.endurance and instruction.warren zevon said he would sleep when he was dead.and so it is.

Money Question

.a complete breakdown.crossed the line and stayed there awhile.told those people how stupid they were.double bird shot baby.fevers and patience collide.holding it together with routines and meals.we've done this before.the lie of time.mind tricks.gusher coming through the wall.been two whole hours now.shut down the roads.the dust trucks roar by.what is this all for?sign the check man.the thaw is coming.dry the floors with fans.look them in the eye when you ask them the money question.

Melt It Away

.generator sounds in the distance .still got some gasoline .it is dark now .the diamonds only glowing .royal colors and footprints .last I saw the trees were down .splinters on this cold night .the young girls won't wear coats .guess we're all the same .but its freezing, you know .let them learn on their own .give a test or two .pick her up at 1030 .before the drinking starts .the neighbors are together .fighting for each other .but the oil is running low .stocks of food are dwindling .blood supplies are being rationed .the linemen know .the people are strong .resourceful .bark eaters and spit drinkers .we are frozen here .we are one .the sun will melt it away .the Son will melt it away

The Numbers Continue To Count

Always there will be numbers and percentages and ratios and income gaps and downgrades and upticks. This ride will continue until one day. Turn the page and read off some more. The fast talkers and the connected know what it all means. For now. Cameras float though the air. Reports of the band. Someone has to play lead. The late breaking indications of destruction and demise. Tune in tomorrow to see what happened. All things being equal. For a time. The young packs will scatter, but they will remain connected. Virtually, they find thier way. The old will suffocate on nostalgia. It's regrets and shattered hopes. Live today. Yesterday, and all before, have already been lived. The numbers continue to count.

Squinting Eyes

.the race is on for now. .freezing rain don't matter. .the timecast is clear. .all the ladies listen up. .late in the year for pastels. .lit buildings and blinkers. .do the bicycle. .before its too late. .the body will respond. .pain comes from the inside. .bright colors and lamps. .stare with squinting eyes..

Collars Of Thieves

.wink.wink.snicker.snicker.      .you see that cat? .well.well.crank.crank.      .hear what he said? .listen.listen.what.what.      .smoothly and slick. .sniff.sniff.haw.haw.      .collars of thieves.

The Envious Kind

.a gathering of gatherers. .cutting in lines. .painted and powdered. .the envious kind. .a mob of mobsters. .robbing the banks. .greasy and bribed. .moneythirsty fangs. .a parting of partiers. .wasted on greed. .drunken and stoned. .got what they need. .a banding of bands. .sounding the same. .hollow and shallow. .lazy and vain.

King The Todd

It was breezy with heavy air as the players began arriving for the 2nd King Of The Court (KOtC). Keck, the tournament administrator and co-founder of the Isner Scoring Method, supplied blue duct tape to secure the brackets to the cardboard registration table. Sixteen players would battle for the title of King of The Court and a few more would become members of the Royal Court. As the players gathered around the scoring table, I reflected on the group and was proud of their commitment and eager to see them in action. The first round draws, established by the competition committee, had been set for weeks. In the Wimbledon draw, there was King James, winner of the first KOtC tournament and favorite once again, Russell Fires, and huge man from the northern woods, Keck, tournament administrator and slayer of USTA 4.0 sandbaggers, and Sergio Oporto, former ranked Bolivian player. The US Open Draw contained Mike Zhuang, with mysterious spin shots, The Todd, who lost in the final to King James...

Before We Get Started

a.e .before we get started. .let's pat ourselves on the back. .made it through some crazy days .we've been able to adapt. d7.ax2d7.e.a to adapt. .before we get started. .look up into the deep blue sky. .wonder what makes it blue. .the blue that I see in your eyes. .before we get started. .before most of this time is gone. .think about the ones before. .lift your prayers and sing your songs. .before we get started. .come and sit upon my knee. .find out what you really think. .find out what you believe. .before we get started. .let's give this love one more try. .shared too much through the years honey. .love you til the day I die.

Congo Hide In The Trees

...huge and massive explosions in deep space ...unexplained black holes forming in the ever expanding universe ...stars being extinguished by the millions and asteroids racing by ...meanwhile on earth, important matters being discussed ...this menu is 3 pages long...white gravy, brown gravy ...dr pepper refills mix and body wash ...congo hide in the trees ...those cold nights in the late seventies ...betrayed and ruined ...orion glows on this night ...seen by the world but not noticed ...sequels are all we got ...ideas and thoughts are hypnotized ...line up for black Friday ...the modern day holiday

Until Eternity Begins

...ahhh, the islands. ...the ocean winds. ...ferocious and indiscriminate. ...those boat people know. ...they went to high ground. ...boarded up the bars. live another day. ...until eternity begins.

Silence Is Music

.bent, like twisted steel. .busted, like a weary man. .bloody, on a china plate. .bread, the true body. .blaze, like the fire winds. .blame, belongs to you. .broke, like a locked up gear. .blondes, my favorite color. .brunettes, love them too. .bums, my true brothers. .bands, silence is music. .boats, to float the world.

Fried Is Funner

.the truth of the matter is always the it can even be put into a recognizable language.communication break up.find it in orion's it on a paper plate.the genius of the spork.hell yes, you chicken a breast for me.white meat scandal.spreading your wings.a leggy girl she is.buttery is all finger licking good.fried is funner.we understand our limitations.we cause the sensitive to cry.the insultable are sad.

The Original Fool

.helium and particle dust. .should've made myself clear. .those big spending days are over. .counting fives and tens. .suffering is real. .all around the world. .typhoons and body bags. .the smell of lucifer. .ruling his world with no mercy. .blind to the truth. .the pest angel. .pleasing himself and offering eternal death. .the original fool. .with a top 10 list. .in the dark. .cufflinks and smokes. .zz top in the background. .life is better with music. .the clinks and clanks and bends. .eliminator. .people rise up. .declare the obvious. .broadway broads are the best. .singing show tunes. .high stepping in a parade. .convincing and sharp. .walking everywhere like slammers. .conversing with the bums. .jealous of thier life. .complete love. .patient and kind. .giving and forgiving. .clearing the record clean.

Frozen Soul

.frozen soul. .captured forever. .thawing slow. .a mixed endeavor. .frozen soul. .the deepest freeze. .angels know. .our eternal needs. .frozen soul. .and chili sauce. .the kitchen closed. .can't feed the lost. .ice ice ice baby.

Day Drinker

c.f.g.fgc. .in the middle of the morning, .not needed til :15 to 3, .vodka laced with pepper, .makes the best bloody marys. f.c.f.cfc. .day drinker. .give the sun a toast. .day drinker. .never felt so low. .the afternoon is bright, .november winds are cool, .a dunkel from franconia, .on a lonely old barstool. .day drinker. .give the sun a toast. .day drinker. .never felt so low. .and just before the the darkness falls, .before the fall of night, .corkscrew's in the drawer, .the cork was really tight. .day drinker. .give the sun a toast. .day drinker. .never felt so low.

Punctured Heart

.this well is deep. .the earth is active and hot. .too many chances missed. .too many lost souls. .the ripe are ready for a harvest. .pick that tree clean sister. .the orchard girls. .between the rows. .collecting the fruit. .the moment we knew we knew. .punctured heart. .the horns of the devil are sharp.

One Lane Road

.early arrival shrugged off.scowls and twisted expressions and forced is not heart bleeds.vast amounts of blood.the well is empty.the rationale reaction is ache.needs can be done without.but with a price.the toll is due.the body does live on.limps along.slithers along.hops love and to be in love are is static.being in love is dynamic.falling in love is is a one lane road.there is no shoulder.the road moves forward.

Between The Liners And Sleezers

These rats. Political do-gooders with cash in the bank and paybacks. Kickbacks too. And trailers. Hustling folks and shaking trees. Wheeling and dealing. As it has always been when the masses are governed. Cynicism is easy, hope is hard. Illumination and transparency is required. These closed doors meetings have to stop. The brilliant and qualified are snakes, slithering to devour money. Because the love of money is strong. It will cloud all judgement and give false security. The devil is on the inside. We all have a battle in this war. We cannot win alone, or with money. The ghost, the ghost. But no attention is paid to the salvation voices, not asking for more. That is a seperate matter. Church and state kept apart. Forced apart, rather, by between the liners and sleezers. Speak your mind is all. Especially when asked. Be a person someone might ask. Don't be a rat. Banish disgust, anger, and grudges. Invoke patience, love, and forgiveness. Point to the ...

Box Wine

.the last drop just dropped. .the juice of the calm. .liquid silk and fine nurses. .water glass drinkers. .the stain of the red. .the ridicule of the white. .she blushes. .but the last drop just dropped. .this box of wine is gone. .all the diversions and schemes. .all the hope and laughter. .really listening. .and understanding. .responding with no commands. .responding with old words. .not your own. .ahh, we gotta another box. .ain't never gonna run outta box wine.

Bless All The Saints

...twins with afros and identical dresses...a dallas cowboys cheerleader with a hairy escaped convict...a colander hat with wires plugged in and hanging everywhere...a kitty cat and a nerd...masked and pink...fell out of love...found each other in a stormy life...decided to stay for rationale reasons...indiana jones is nothing but a wino...martin luther with a glowing face...swigging beers and singing...a weary mack...wigs everywhere...which means cattle driver...the political party from the early 1800s...send me the wench...skeleton hat...she was a crazy woman...its all in the hats...happily ever after...bless all the saints...

The Knowers

.a self imposed exile.desertion and neglect.the taste of death will be sweet will mean time is done.the eternal soul does not consider time and our bodies will not age.pain will be extinct.our words will live is, the cloud captures it all.covers the globe.word, word, word to yer mutha.pity the fools, but stop there.the fools of this world are the wise.the knowers.its the word man.

Performance Wall

.gather round you people. .on the performance wall. .gonna start you with some disco. .then with the blues I'll make you crawl. .the swayers are swaying in the corner. .the poppers been popping all night. .the drunks are laid out in the drunken din. .and the cops busted up a fight. .think we oughta play some jazz. .think we oughta play some rock. .think we oughta play some lover music. .wanna see her move like that. (Big drums and jungle strings and backup singers)

Shot The Bird

.at some level a point must be made.understanding in the mind of the child needs cementing.sternness can be rough.and loud.but we have to get through.signals can be crossed and manipulation works.those little twits just shot the bird.photographic evidence.of course you are sorry.that is the truth.we are all sorry.but we have to live.respect must be shown and given.and own grudges are of no consequence.this is important and you will know.self control is an elusive can be learned.its in the breathing and thinking.calculate the digits.your time will mad and sad and blue and shocked and the the center of the universe is God.not you.


...we are a glowtribe... ...we shine, shine, shine... ...minimalist and decadent alike... ...the officers are waiting... ...the mayor has declared... ...the ribbon is cut in two... ...the opening will be grand... ...and the evening lights... ...attire and leather shirts too... ...yes, this glowtribe will proclaim... ...we will splatter and shout... ...bitterness lost on the live wire...

Delivered By The Ghost

.speed that tape up.calm the nerves with october sounds.make the tunes fill the air.sorry thoughts and snubs.those young ones are work.the future visions seen through the dreamer's is all mapped out.the boundries are evident and public.these doubters and angry people are exhausted.this life is easy with fewer burdens.once salvation is assured.your mind convinced through the word.understanding delivered by the ghost.those hearts will beat either way.the mind will play its the name of knowledge and intellect.all the brainers and complainers.fall through the clouds on gravity rides.come down my brothers.lift up my is for living.for drawing pictures and humming tunes.for begging and forgetting and for laughing too.make the sad the lost.rely on nothing and expect anything.the next place is timeless.without rules.without a need for rules.goodness and concern prevail.the self helpers are extinct.looking out for last.diversity of thought.surrounded...

Eyelids Get Heavy

.cheating the rap.letting your lyrics become common and void.develop your voice.formulate the words in your mind.cannot he drug down.will not be overwhelmed.the people with hearts know.we are meant for evolution.but there is no end.creation is history.refinements and polish.everybody wants their pills.everybody wants security of some sort.they will bathe in it.they will cover the earth with it.laser beams and shields don't work.reality with virtual minds.the results are predictable.the outcomes are assured.but move forward regardless of the perils.we avoid caution and seek reckless pleasure.eyelids get heavy after the eye witness news.on the scene.talked to the store owner and the robbers were shot on commonality in all the unhappiness and brokenness and regrets.but it ain't me.naw naw ain't me babe.that you're looking for.

History Dust

.collection time.all the people there are older.all the people there are colder.wanna be one that don't get slower.but I want time to slow down.which is ludicrous.which is a prediction.we gather in the front room and clear a space.this moment of time.engage the senses.each one gets attention.hear a tune.taste the the curves.feel the skin.smell the human scents.collecting history dust.

Pineapple People

.these sideways nights.went through the set list three times.the electric is most versatile.graveyard sounds and slide moans.chalk it up to the blues.again inspiring wailing and bends.thinking about shouting a couple of songs.these art people might not understand.worries of self esteem and feelings.good gosh will ya shut up.I'm not asking.the literal March in Erwin park.imagine the scene.tents and toilets all over.bikers and booby traps.that gasoline line is great.the punk said so.don't wallow too long.the thinkers and radicals could get together.persuasion is easy.the pineapple people.

Despite The Years

.a sleepless rest to go around.only independent a slur.thinkers and visionaries step to the side.the work needs to get done.courageous or nothing.go happy and go lucky.whistle an afternoon tune.let her finish her sentences.look her in the eyes.hear the water rings.long ago the decisions were made.long ago we made our pledge.despite the dust, despite the tears, despite the peeves, despite the is an easy plan.the ride made smooth by concrete and steel.


.systematically driving through one town after another.Vera, where the nets are still up.Olney, with the one arm dove shot.the rural life is a slow life.full of planning meals and work.we walked half the lake til we got to the quicksand.the lost girls.chairs from the mid seventies and screens.prices from the 60s for a day.point to the north, the south, the east, and the west.proven to be restless and abandoned.yardsales and soda machines.

Taste The Dusk

.moan for the lawful.they are old testament fools.they seek an unattainable perfection.for perfection is the only to the to the graceful.let the night be upon the floaters.send smoke in the air.rings and rings.make the other half try.slip and slide and smell the dawn.huff and puff and taste the dusk.

Jack Woods Ain't Got The Blues

.only memories of good times and knowing.card game stories with small pistols and holes in one.put up rambling strangers in the night.a meal and rest before they rambled off again.walking north on highway sweet melissa.or some other hobo home the noisey girls.lots of laughs and traditions.big deals and boys sniffing around.get her home by eleven, you safe and understand that I am a packing man.never bought our stories.although we didn't know.floated lakes and pulled fish.loaded his pipe and puffed away.tobacco lane.woke from death and saw his alright son?a crack on his driveway.dizzy night of dehydration.poisons to kill the poison.dignity to the leads to frustration and vulgarity.Jack woods was an ace.Jack woods ain't got the blues.

Asian Telescope

.the sun was peeking through the an asian telescope.the promise of mugginess and still.moods are tied to the moon.gravity having its way and trapping us for now.only the body and mind are prisoners.the soul can fly but waits for its time.escorting the bones through life.the only sane thing in nature.chaos and confusion reign.please please please keep your soul sharp.isolation will smother the growth.wild eyes and loose by feelings and desires.ignoring the truth ten thousand times.cursing the other ones and laughing.take your darling out and spin the bottle.drink the last drop and sleep.make peace with yourself and forgive the criminals the way.know that you are a criminal too.and a fool.and a liar.and a scoundrel.among other things.only your soul is pure.or can be.only the truth can rescue.the light.the the clock.know that we are our own confiners.we lock the jail door.we sentence ourselves to misery.the judge has spoken.the cuffs are clic...

Like That Stones Country Song

...the candle has flickered out.only smoke still rises.warm wax settled back.those mansions on the hills seem hopeless.full of emptiness and brawlers.bring back the hello times.make room for the fleeting.only the restless still cry.only the wishful have heartache.breaking every day.the loud and the that something in the eyes.far that stones country song.driving home early sunday morning through bakersfield.listening to gospel music on the colored radio station.sound waves redirected.baptized in the names.cleaner of souls through this dirty life.some can't take the grime.some see it for what it is.some lather up in the mud.these separate lives.each with a inspire.the saving has been time for that.weeks of desire.months of rain.years of seasons.glow in the night.glow like the prophets.the lighter is near.

This Empty Suit Room

...this empty suit room.full of itself.full of gamers and hypocrites.full of tyrants and theives.kicking the people.tricking the people.sticking it to the people.flags on the lapels.hairspray odor and grease stains.and the talkers tell us all about it.the public folks.the national jokes.the full of smokes.only the crazy can save us.the outlandish.the strange and weird.he said he was God.that great teacher said he was God.and he has been proven.the word confirms.the truth and the light.that is glowface.but that is off topic.back to the scammers and schemers.we heard.we heard.but your words were your suit.integrity is the fiddle.Joe had a cotton eye.Jim was slim.Jack was a maniac.John pulled the time for history to decide.taking us on a joy ride.we got thermals for the cold.we got misters for the heat.

The Rust And The Rain

.the rust and the rain.corrosion of iron.drinks of life.the desert regions are alive with survivors.floods tore out the bridges.the mountains must be climbed.reach up closer to the stars.they are static.they chart our movements.lock up the psycos.let the crazy go free.act without rational consideration.listen to your guide.ignore your thoughts.they wander unreliability.they are connected to all the senses.recognize the thirst and remain still.banish the clocks.remain alive and notice.communicate with eyes.listening by seeing.if you can see.actions do speak louder than words.

Passing Twenties

.just a mule I am.put on that heavy pack and keep walking.waking day it'll all end.time waits for no ain't gonna wait for one else is gonna get on the one else is gonna drive that tollway road.keep muling it man.passing twenties around like a deck of cards.that one eyed jack is the snake.queens sit and wait for the lower classes to fold.this is the mating season.all my mates done gone for the following day.pack a lunch and grease the with the windows down and the sunroof open.let the wind whip your hair and cool your sweat.catch up on the tragedies and try to pray off a message or two.give accolades and high fives.a sober season of unsettling within and reliance on awful demeanor and manufactured smiles.grown men know.used up and cornered.made a fool and accepted role of crazed embraced role really.the stare and the silence.the telling.not asking.awkwardness is ...

Automatic Telephones

.get rid of my ridicule.beyond empty figure with quitters all around.the middle way can put on the squeeze.never too high.the lows, quick and severe.automatic telephones and recorders.the meat eaters left hours ago.looking for an edge.seeking challenges and tests.measuring up and marching in time.drummers man, drummers.that's where the shake happens.popping elbows and gotta catch her coming least help her up.grudges upon grudges.judges upon day a word will be made up to describe it all.but that is far off.

Suburbans Everywhere

.suburbans everywhere, with sirens and flashing blue and red lights.brand new suburbans, perfect and waxed.civic pride and logos.juristictions and law.k9 units and radars.drones in the sky and hackers on staff.tapped into the worldwide protectors.unionized and revered.always American cars.cut cost and improve the performance of the fleet by going Japanese.better than the Germans even.its been proven and the anecdotal evidence is validating.made in the USA did us more harm than entitled brats.nothing patriotic about blind nationalism.4 suburbans with one officer in each one.maybe for the SWAT team, but not traffic duty.the efficiency of Harley Davidson.


.that's a paper mean they used to print the news on paper?....yep, billions and billions of trees I estimate over the years....oh my God, trees were killed to produce paper? was worth it, think of the value of books....what's a book?....look it up. call your friend and tell her the plan....already told talked to her?, but I told can't tell anybody anything without talking to them.....I texted her.....then say informed to be don't know what your talking least I'm talking......keep talking dad.

Sing Like A Gypsy

She told me she was tired. I believed her. Work came naturally and the instinct to do as much as possible was possessed. These woers and whiners should look within. He is there and that's all that you need to know. Get to know him and understand the facts. Of course, everyone's tired. As they should be. Grateful for being healthy enough to be tired. Happily tired, humbly tired. Replenished by morning. Get on them knees and pray girl. Thank him for the headaches and heartaches. Blame him too. These are the moments that important decisions are made. This is not a minor point. Steady and with thought. Methodical and patient. The force is not with me, but the spirit is. Word to your mother, brother. Sing like a gypsy. Wear beads and earth tones. Deny the heat, deny the ice age. Ask for proof, like Thomas. Open to influence and sway. Everybody is tired. Truer words have never been spoken.

Serena And Venus

.the primal instincts.undeniable and sing honey.this transfer of life.this passing down.or up rather.either way, it is a heavy weight.a constant pulse.we could live together for a long time in common pursuits.each knowing other worlds exist.better worlds, worse worlds.the interesting is all around.being observed and relentless.human nature rules this world.resisting creates pain.endure the season.cross courts, back courts, down the lines, and come from behinds.those europeans have taken over tennis.except for serena and venus.

Consult The Soul

A singular and microscopic focus. Insignificant to the vast majority, not even a minority to care. Distractions to a minimum, although never completely eliminated. All of our senses are feeding in. The mind and body consult the soul which is in constant need of restoration, retaliation, and refinement. But the singular focus remains. To make saints. Oswald hit it today. He does not pity the fools.

Hijacking The Gift

.a party ain't gonna save you buster.tea or otherwise.just a group of selfish, ignorant thugs wrapping themselves in rightousness.high minded and afraid, not noticing the freedom they already have.the courage is missing.the walls are crumbling.label it with a flag.what a disgrace.talking birthrights and hijacking the gift given to all.grace is missed.its simplicity and ease.keeping us on edge with breaking news per hour.part of the regular programming.sarin gas in Syria, horse meat in taco bell.never ate horse, that I know of, dog neither, although my dad was served dog in China until he called over the chef and threatened him.he didn't eat it.thankfully.will not cross the canine line, but I love cow.calf especially.Italian style.yes, the walls are crumbling and the cities are not at peace.laid back and ran fingers through hair.I see clearly now.fires, smoke, destruction.but you can put a dress on it, prop it up.stick that chest out mind will not stop, my body...

Kicked In The Jaw

I saw I mamma and my paw.give everything they got.from the time that I crawled.I wish I wish.I could just go fish.wake up some morning.with an unexpected kiss.he bleeds he bleeds.just for you and me.just for you and me girl.all we ever need.I fall I fall.go tumbling down the hall.cut and bruised kicked in the jaw.I stand I stand.without any of my band.singing what's on my mind.and written by my hand.I plead I plead.if you would only read.early or late after eight.go where the spirit leads.I pray I pray.til my dying day.when the angels pick me away fly away.....c..g...d7...c..g.....

Beatnik In The Afternoon

.coffee every single morning.take one cup or two.beatnik in the afternoon.always awake til two.bread is served at every meal.he's there he's there he's there.forgiving and the living.time will not be feared.all the voltage we could need.the house is full of glow.last night's sleep was peaceful and we stop the show.

When The Animals Take Over

.meager, meager provisions.a united and sacrificial effort.every temptation.every choice.almost too much to each decision leads to another.the if whens.the if thens.the whys.all topics of regret or pride.when the bed is turned down, when the moon shines bright, when the animals take over.dreams are just the drool.the mind not shutting down.the nerves not dimming their glow.fatigued and tight.pains in the neck and commerce.those hooks run deep.only pain endurance.only goes away.crawls away.hibernates.

Hundred Stars Tonight

.assembled for an event.the lifting on a cross.worshiped hypocritically.pride stripped clean.but we got spirit.yes we do.the ability to reflect divinity.make divine choices.a direct channel to channel your misdirections.spiritulality takes guts.rates are high.the lakes are low.drink the is clean.drink the wine too.enjoy the day.dawn and dusk.count a hundred stars tonight.peaceful slumber.

The Rainbow Disappeared

.slip in from the outer world.make the night neon.get up out of your seat and dance.everyone likes the robot.popping the moves and moonwalking.see the reflections in up the mayor.hoot and holler.get dizzy and lie down.dream about the past and wake up sleepy.thought she knew what was going on.thought she found the golden goose.but the rainbow disappeared.the pot was empty.those egyptians are crazy.bloodthirsty and old.dependant and indignant.let egyptians be egyptians.those brotherhood dudes are serious.the sisterhood remains silent.faces covered and silent.awkward alliances and political gain.the nile is red.pyramids in the shape of orion.where thought is created.privacy is an illusion.millions of eyes in the skies.paranoia and justification.wanna go to the third party.where the truth flows free and howls are heard.sitting around in a drum circle and speaking your mind.

Lazy Eye

.its just all a bunch of action.twisting and occupied.rejuvenated but cluttered.someone grab the paper towels.spilt milk.nurturing and healthy.brilliant and sufficient.look around for the next splash.the new cool.exceptional and beat.bopping and banging.slow down for the relaxed.lazy eye.talented and notorious.vain and beautiful.wrap up your hair and glow.face masks.deceptive and inauthentic.flattering and calm.pour up some whisky sours.shoot two.harsh and rewarding.stumbling and slurring.plant a tree in the front.deep roots.complicated and thirsty.noisy and hypnotic.

The Square Is Buzzing Like A Hive

.let out a long moan.stretch the limbs for long periods.keep the play for another day.another chance.this phase of birth.this time for change.all around identities are attended.paint the walls clean.cut in the corners.prepare yourself for any outcome.let the present moments be noticed.pushing wind around.its the only way.soul suffocation can be avoided.this is known.prescriptions of hope pills.covered in nature.colliding with technology.ethics and norms elusive.private eye been watchin' you.public eye too.grape songs and vine talks.deserved recognition of cultural significance.those local yocals.the square is buzzing like a hive.suburban mothers desperate for something old.fathers drinking cold english beers.the tattooed the taboo.browns shoes and waynes.rented out a booth.a dickens of a set.maddog blowing harp.overcame his stage freight.redeemed mind.look at us now.older, but not old yet.

Untold Stories

...and so on says so much.think of the missed thoughts.remember the untold stories.hock the whole damn place.rub nickels together and live modestly.throw a wide net.go fishing for the bounty.drip the drip.drop the drop.rock around the clock.write it all down.make a list.diversify and persevere.performance art and timelines...

The Great Wines Of Texico

...all my invited guests, please stand and be recognized.the lab in the back.potions and concoctions.drink each grape.the chilled one, my favorite.completely tended with perfectly straight rows.the vines maturing and established.netted and clipped.huge buckets filled and sorted.ready for the a case or a bottle, see you next harvest.heat settled in the windless back fields.Texas roots.Spanish vines.the great wines of Texico.


.that electrician gonna make me wait all evening.really want an hour to myself.the meetings and the nonsense.big moments all around.being principled ain't easy.set the bar lower and lower.cultural standards don't matter.they've been eroded and rusted.passing through time while time still matters.wasting away and moaning for is a very small and exponential.uncommon sense is rare indeed.the light girls are was a butt kicker.wish that electrician would show up soon.

Sweethearts Of The Piney Woods

I'll listen to you about your hair and being disrespected.go a half step slower.wait silently for your will come soon.packs of foxes and wolves.sharpen your teeth and shine your skin.glow like the sun.strap that seatbelt on tight.clear the deck.this ride never stops.horrible twists.clicking climbs.breathless drops.turns and more turns.teenage operators anxious to clock out.the night will awaits your life.have a seat around this table.wash down that bread with a huge drank o wine.repeated opportunities to create and love.walk among the saints.Janis was just a sweet port arthur babe.pick up your trash and be polite.get your sleep and stretch your legs.cover the water til it boils.learn to be the intentions.sweethearts of the piney woods.

The Lawyers Won

.no wonder the ice caps in the south are melting.that sun is hot.only a few can have an intellectual debate.we got a country to run.but we gotta run for it first, and always.the desperate and perpetual thinking.took sides long ago.this is a certain kind of party.doctors and lawyers can hardly ever really agree.hardly ever.the lawyers working the is thier profession.skilled and oiled.the doctors, methodical and artist's eye.steady like em when you need love em when you need em.doctors or lawyers.the balance of these professions, and attributes. can lead to effective government.but imbalance creates miserable political conditions.the lawyers won.

Joker's Buggy't trust just anybody.snakes and spiders roam the land.can't break those hearts in two.make way for the plastic man.can't blame the downtrodden.circumstances were wild.can't forget the joker's buggy.needs to arrive in style....(chorus)....and when we run we run to the son with the truth.these are my proclamation boots.he came, he died, he rose for you.....can't leave your satchel bare.obligations and mistakes.can't bring back the gone.they moved across the lake.can't see my future anymore.neon lights blinding and hot.can't search my soul anymore.fight's already been fought...chorus...

Taking Off From Guam

The dawn, earliest light. Sad awakers and jumping jacks. Immediatly a sherbert uprising. Hook em. And clear the line. Likely the vaccum broke. Ingenious. Not much screaming and yelling. Less than I thought. Colombian nick. Ole Joe. Sound system not even working. Cheerios damnit! That child can play that grand piano. All the practicing paying off. The cowboys and the texans squared off. T.I. days. Finally chased that indian girl to Kansas city. Still not tolerating incompetence. Highly involved. Beware Asian pilots. Taking off from Guam can be rough.

Sweet Tea

...this is unexplainable. After a lifetime of drinking unsweet tea, a craving for sweet tea hit me like a pool cue. These things just don't happen. Very rarely anyway. Must have been the furious tennis match in 100 degree Texas heat, the court reflecting and deflecting. The sun was still high and the dense air sunk low. Depleted of common, and necessary, elements. Plauged by poor backhand returns and sweat poring into my glasses. Should've wore contacts. We came to a predictable conclusion and limped home. Knotted calves and genuine fatigue. Maybe that was it. The sweet tea was left by my wife. Surely she would want it, but she left. Back in an hour. This tea would go to waste, I thought. Somehow, and for some reason, I really wanted the tea then and there. I knew it was sweet. I knew I hated sweet tea. Sweet and low is a scar on the world. But then, right then, I didn't care. It went down quick and smooth. The sweetness woke me up and brought me joy. ...


.a permanent record .the digital footprints .guided by celebrity and consumerism .motivated by satisfaction moments .unaware of the future ahead .unconcerned .as we all should be .resting calmly for good reason .truth is a powerful thing .but resting gets old .we think we are needed .no .rest and shine even a dim light .the way for one person .it is worth your life .knowing it will never end .asked how I know .that's the word .deliberate is the pace .eight .eight .eight .work .shake .sleep .gotta balance this ship .raise the anchors .find a drinking hole .order a shot of moonshine .light it on fire and shoot it fast .wake up those insides .clean up your attic son .wash all the windows baby .fire still burning in my gut .mind is full of raw nerve endings .beyond description and explanation .if worthy .if responsible .if compelled .spill it out .tell em twice.

Golder Gold

.the styrofoam coffee cups were stacked high.complimentary for paying folks.move that rubber.grip that road.want the newer ones on back.50 thousand miles of vocational transport.over near the perot ranch.camels and kangaroos.not too many empty suits.but a few.sacrificing for golder gold.never enough buster.there is no such thing.a wicked pursuit.

Between Spur and Jayton

far out in the open spaces, between spur and jayton. we were fully loaded. set the targets so we faced east, the afternoon sun blazing through the brush trees. took off down the cliff and took a drink of the cool creek water. clean and tasty.  the 45 was a cannon. the rifle was pinpoint. some story about shooting up a fridge. gotta clear that chamber. erasing body art and going a hundred between counties. midnight runs and lime beers. neighbor eyes and drive byes. kitchen table recordings and white river lake situations. final run through the canyon floor and the waters most surely will rise. the holy waters of texico. slipped through the mayor's backdoor and caught the last of the sun. screened porch was dark. old men nodding off and wavering. music looping in the background. mix of ray wylie, stones, metallica, and beastie boys. groans when i slid in lucinda, but they came around. she's got that rough voice. a rocker woman.  a woman in control. l...

King Of The Court

         We are all committed. 16 brave tennis warriors will take the court at 8am. July 13th. Eagles Landing Tennis Complex on the grounds of Allen High School. This community united in the pursuit of attaining tennis royalty. Out of this group we will crown a King, we will identify a Prince, we will complete the Royal Court of the Court with the naming of a Duke and an Earl. Arrivals should be punctual and your absence should be communicated quickly. Please bring a can of unopened tennis balls, a healthy supply of water, and perhaps a power bar or two. Look for a registration table. We have courts 1-8 for the historic, and inaugural, event. As you know, we will be utilizing the Isner Scoring Method (ISM). It will all be explained and make perfect sense to everyone quickly. 60 games between 6 different players of different skill levels. A test. We will change the trajectory of this great game in America. Considering the american results ...

Wobbly Tire

we know we are all brothers and sisters. humanity, unified. cling to the traditions that you know. memorize, recount. streaking down the road on a wobbly tire. inevitable, crash. the clean recording is what we're after. isolate, equalize. this withdrawing culture making pacifists. tranquilized, tired. sleeping in the fields between the rows. suffocating, sneezing. dust dusting up behind trucks in the distance.  plowing, sowing. night sky exploding musical celebrations. patriots, glowing. 

The Texican Delta

that dude pulling the race car is driving like a madman. weaving in and out, tailgating everyone. sunburnt people in a rush and cussing gas prices. quite an operation they got going on the island. southern rockers and barefoot pickers. everyone from somewhere else and smiling. it's hard work to relax and have a good time. expensive too. we must get digital evidence in black, white, and coral. queen of buns wore pink with a huge bow on front. the woman in her is busting out and raging. learning hard lessons about the nature of humanity. grainy a.m. stations with protectors and defenders. wish they had a good jazz station in dallas. monk and miles and grover and fagen. compelled to worship and pray, called to proclaim. religious culture warriors step aside. culture will always change, now it's your turn. change your heart, save your soul, turn and testify. Jesus didn't sue anyone. spoke for Himself, died for all. they got sugarcane all up through ...

Texas Plates

.those waves getting bigger and bigger.dark clouds on the curve.wondering if the earth is perfectly round.or relatively perfectly round.tattoos are high art.permanent attitude.permanent memory.permanent color.all this talk of black white hispanic arab asian albino eskimo leads to divides.humanity's obsessive need for identity.eventually we will all be melted down to one.unified in the upper room.compromises not made, tolerating and proclaiming.only the truth to convince.a bigger challenge lies that will require all.political games put aside.the slick get the back seat.the talkers make way for the walkers.bionic, like the 6 million dollar men.connected, in a glowface tribe.that big cloud is headed right this way.bringing thunder and bolts.this is a high voltage area.we are ready for a flood, but an electrical fire is unexpected.survivalist and the like will roam the land.the bafoons were right.that singer don't understand melody.the combining of articulation and speed....

Huxlian World

.more huxlian than is a brave new world .revisited in the 60s and found to be speeding at a high rate.and we got rates to spare.birth rates .death rates.interest rates .heart rates .unemployment rates.likability rates .hotel rates.parasailing rates .green fee rates.drink rates .we are pacified and calm.manipulated and confused .the hard work's been done.eliminate the mad and unbreakable .a raging and committed mob.all because of no term limits .congressional dictatorship.those fools think they got us fooled .two parties in cahoots.for years and years .convinced that we are the chosen.which we are, but so is everybody else .convinced God needs us.He wants us .yep He does.He don't need jack, jack .we are all chosen to choose.we have help in deciding .oh Holy forgiven .those radical reverend words.counted 365 waves before 7:50am .distracted by music.photographic paralysis .lock that moment immortality .erwin p...

Blues In The Air

.those jackson bums don't talk much.cops walking the beat with flashlights and tasers.lott furniture boarded up and vacant.the cohen brothers sold suits back when hats were in.whites only, i'm sure.stones picked barroom queens in country got married in a fever.dylan stayed down here much too long.morning mosquitoes and dirty patio tables.those two taxi drivers were up to something.chimney town.evolution never evolved lots and government work now.casinos over in vicksberg.all you blue shirts, pull up your trousers.limping around like a sad state of affairs.hold your head up, quit acting like losers.sins of the past make way for sins of the future.mississippi tent revival.where the hairspray boys get their kicks.billboard pictures and salvation.morning gets a late start.blues in the air.

The Resort Girls

        Consider me a very interested observer.  Skin in the game.  Years and years of beebopping and reverbbing.  Just searching for the creases and crannies.  Nooks've all been found.  Somehow, someway, a turn of the corner is coming.  I can't tell you what and I can't tell you why, but I can tell you when.  Someday.  Someday is when.  Chunking flowers on the ground and snubbing your nose at steak.  Like a bovine insult.      The A/C got a tune up.  Running like a dream, freezing the summer months.  Circulation improved with regular maintenance.  Heats up on the south side.  Sun beats right through the huge oaks in front, heats the brick up good.  We could get cooked up in here.  Once again, God bless the folks who work in the air conditioning industry.  Public servants of the south, appointments stacked back to back.  On call always.  You...

Together To Forever

gd she walks the fine line, she still my sweetie pie. days go, they're left by the road. she needs some tissues for her issues. dry the tears, nobody needs to know. ain't it hard to hear, truth hurts my dear. some different love we knew long ago. meant what i said to you, not looking for something new. this life we made, this life we know. cg and we made it right, together we took flight, we made to this very night. when i look at you, my dreams have all come true, your green eyes are full of light.  dcg we'll make it together to forever, we'll make it alright. every night i sleep with you, never failed to keep me true. a woman in the way that you move. your glowing skin, keeps pulling me in. woman you finding your groove. wanna yell wanna shout, honey i got no doubt. you're the one i'll never lose. don't ever think we're on the brink. sometimes i just get the blues.    

Attached To The Sun

Started with a fire sky breaking through the dawn. Clouds like a thin layer of webs, the dark ones far off. Blue grows brighter by the moment as the black birds take flight. The sun revealed and sirens in the distance. Highway noise on the mixmaster. Above, the sky is breaking into a glorious pose. The breeze, still blowing cool. Below, we flitter about, nervous and panting. We swirl, we swoon. Wake from your peaceful slumber, it is a trap. Each day is a cosmic space ride. We are attached to the sun.

Kerouac's Middle Way

...intolerance will not be tolerated.  you must understand.  the swans fly by night, avoiding detection.  they hover and click, they observe and demand.  only a True Shepherd will lead you to peace.  ownership in it all, for no good reason.  puzzling at times.  ethics are thrown to the scavengers.  feast on what you can.  leave the bones for the dust to bury.  or for spearheads.  blood is pouring out His side.  the ground is stained and the women cry out to the heavens.  now we talk of transformation and reformation.  we boldly proclaim, confident in our truth.  truth only because it was given to us.  this faith.  not seen.  not of our hearts and minds, to be sure.  insights and discussions.  on and on.  great points and unique perspectives.  plenty of creativity.  made in His image.  Divine Creator.  make something today.  supper, peace, love...

Publishers Clearing House

...the dimmed glowing nights have been lifted. The twisters and grapefruit hail had been avoided. Turn our attention to the hypnotized and plead for them to listen. It is calling. It being the unknown source. Knowledge and faith colliding. Big bang? bet brother, a big bang to be sure. Loud and spectacular. But only for the attentive and aware. Rightousness can be demonstrated over and over and it will not matter. All for nothing. And everything. Liberating freedom and it starts every moment.....publishers clearing house, keeping hope alive....the answer to our current state of confusion. The drink for our current thirst. The shot for our current hope but gives no faith...disappointment assured. The suckers are in a never-ending line, trying to fill the empty void. Cash and cars. Chicks and rock & roll...and a sea of screens lit up the darkness...

No Static Nature

thirty thousand years ago a rain drop hit the earth, somewhere near the canyon line. dust kicked up as it made impact, quickly dissolving into the ground. no lasting legacy, not really connected to anything, but the single most important event at that place, at that time. we will debate the meaning of things, unlock mysteries of the mind, but we'll never completely fulfill our destiny. never completely. no static nature. no static thoughts. now is about execution.

Aloe Vera Nights

cool chill after a massive sweat. freezing while driving the twisting road. st paul got the good bbq. that place on the corner. just a shack. red schoolhouse an historical marker now. funderburgh place up the dusty road. field of buried bones. old lady included. lutheran church on the corner. missouri kind. the sunglass wedding. what was he thinking. heard on the right. dinosaurs in the trees. lookout from the cliff. hug the old oak. from the 1700s. earth day folk tunes. gallery openings. on the list at tucker hill. the texas garden. front porch picking. white sands mind. alligator golf and beers. sunburn afternoons. aloe vera nights.

Drones And Clones

e a b7 ab7e ae ab7e .look up look up .there's a drone flying by .flown by a clone .we don't even have to die .kamikazee man .working the remote control .no expressions on the clones. .they don't even really know .salute the hackers I guess .ours are better than theirs .best viruses around .go straight to your head .the public is a mess .hypnotized and tranced .don't want to know the truth .don't want to take a stance .its just drones and clones.yea yea yea .drones and clones.the brave are dead .over there over there .its the man driving by .everybody knows .he's got tears in his eyes .likes the lofty titles .likes the free jet air .loves hanging with his daughters .likes not giving a care .peaceful men they know .women and the like .we're all left to wonder .while the drones rule the night .its just drones and clones.yea yea yea .drones and clones.the brave are dead

Reflex Of The Mind

.never want to be a good old days dude. .mainly, they are just old. .some were good, in fact. .many were good. .but they were. .some were down right awful. .but they were too. .gone, past, history. .the order always changes. .evolution of activity. .spending time. .we spend and spend and spend. .through the dull and electric. .set your conditions. .move like water. .settle in the cracks. .rush over rock. .search for gravity. .give life. .refresh the parched. .clean the muddy. .water never goes back. .where all the heartache is left out. .when pain was not felt. .right now is the good day. .tomorrow just a hopeful transpiring. .make this day about what inspires you. .make right now about       taking a sip of coffee. .we got nothing to worry about. .it won't do any good. .you've done what you can do. .anxiety not made for the uncontrollable. .it is a reflex of the mind. .control what you can through decisions. .and actions, of course. .integrity is the link ...

Sons Of Patriots

...who can they destroy that will really make a point... ...what can they banish that will let them all know... ...why would they stop and call the game over... ...where is our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness... ...when are we going to realize they left us... .create something new. .call it the sons of patriots. .glowface organization. .standards set. .children unlabled. the spineless and compromisers are unwelcome.  the weak conformers to this world.  reformers are needed.  creators are needed.  truth is needed.  you ruiners of liberty stand down!  silence, you destroyers of peace!  the sons of patriots is talking to you, IRS.  red flag routing, i'm sure.  built on a transparent process of greed and bribery.  the lobby girls and boys got cash to throw around.  millionaires by the million.  government work ain't what it used to be.  D.C., the dump home of the redskins...

Toymaker Man

.the loss of heroes .when all the worthy died off .fought in every war he possibly could .flew planes .spied .and dropped bombs .shined his shoes bright .glowed even at night .when the children came .one after your own heart .one a free spirit child .never in a million years would we guess he would pass .he attended all the funerals .never would he be honored .unexplainable and unlogical .busy mind of service .til the end .toymaker man .sweet gal she was too .looked you in the eyes .enjoyed your joy .next door neighbors to blood relatives .finally I found you .set up from the start .in tennis shape .the highkick queen .another one on the loose .complete with a protector .warrior child .she will stand up for something very big one day .for all the right reasons .taught perseverance .creates hope .smarter than all .phase six or seven .can't keep track .the canyons are deep .carved from rock .water again the creator.

Kanyeoke should not be tolerated.. ..certainly not applauded.. called new slaves.. ..performer will go unnamed.. ..bout the dumbest thing i've heard.. ..yes, vulgar and idiotic.. ..self pity on steroids.. ..a 1st grader throwing an adult fit.. ..he gonna bust stuff up.. ..wonder what the marketing department thinks.. ..street cred man, street cred.. ..all those simple minds out there will buy it up.. ..i know it ain't music.. with instruments and stuff.. ..but he's on the mic.. ..owning the stage.. ..wanna sell more t shirts.. ..the fashion industry awaits.. test out the new fabrics.. change the scene.. throw out the old and sell in the new.. ..on a three year cycle.. ..for the mainline trends.. ..perpetual and sustainable growth model.. ..the consumer's responsibility.. ..and addiction.. ..back to the kanyeoke performer.. ..why don't you call a news conference.. ..tell us why you ain't gonna take it no more....

Whispering Girls

just you and the ants now. no one hardly talks anymore. been feeling low on the inside. like an accepted fate. whatever that could be. a race car driver. hitting the banks hard. hoping for the rubber to grip. which one of us is going to break. who is the engineer. who is the artist. the ability to create. a ninety degree day. humid sweat pours from your skin. heat and nerves collide. dreamed that I dreamed I saw an asteroid pass by. winked at me as it streaked by. firey ball with a smokey tail. the whispering girls got hate in their hearts. as we all do. envy and insecurities. left everyone out at some point. endure the pain. understand the disappointment. love anyway.

Preventing Gravity

.the constant talk of emotions and motions      .going through them for certain .welling up when thinking of the tragedy       .one for the other .equal in impact and consequences       .changed into something .the Lord is the remaining link       .preventing music like preventing gravity .bands of clowns left for eternity       .mocked forever .hard of hearing       .the mercy shown .perhaps we refine the guidelines       .update the parameters .in light of the new understanding       .and abandonment .hit the links       .go with pastels .respectability in the shadow of shame       .worst case scenario always possible .mostly unlikely.

From Where Thought Is Formed

*to the searchers of glory, the finders of mercy, the shame inspired, the guilt inspired, the tuned out. *turn your attention to important matters, take a moment to consider, salvation and how it all turns out. *get away from your worn path and walk across the streets, through the fields, over the divides. *plan to use some time to follow the hunch, check out the tip, learn a bit more, follow the night lights. *go to the edge, the very tip of the cliff, peer over and stare at the earth, it's peaks and valleys and ruts. *think of looking from space like a satellite, watching from the stars, telescopes fixed on all of us. *scurrying about like chaotic soldiers, waiting for the next command, standing and glowing on the dock *spotlight the unknown, tune into the unheard, illuminate the unseen, speak the unspeakable, eat the rot. *chime in with your opinions you busy minds, pretend to understand, pretend to try, through the motions. *knock back two or three and drink a gl...

The Theory Of Proximity

     Proximity is essential for productive management and leadership.  Greater than strategy, greater than goals, greater than fear.  Understanding the operation, knowing the challenges, listening to others.  Supported with an efficient and strictly executed communications strategy, this proximity will lead to effective decision making and a collaborative culture.  Benefits of a collaborative culture and effective decision making are good strategy and tactical execution.  Benefits of good strategy and tactical execution are profits for reinvestment, pocket cash, and continuing prospects.              

Sick Sweat

...arms heavy and slow ...feet dragging and flat ...a head full of stuffing ...a sick sweat the late spring humidity ...lungs shut off and full of webs ...wheezing and coughing ...waves of warm buzz ...the silence breaks with screeching ...the dim begins to glow ...tossing and turning til two ...Sandy lake days ...they'll ride anything ...laughing and getting soaked ...happy days are here again

Fish Belly

fish belly they called him. banged on that bass all day. take after take. tuning by ear, tapping his feet. shut his mind off. the real twist comes next. asian women in silk, smiling and paying close attention. stomach was white as a white crayola. that's the reason for the fish belly name. gotta have a blues name. but it has to be given to you. stackabones has a good blues name. guitar player, that dude. whip out a song. three layers of thought. like Jonah, defiant but still smart. the wisdom and obedience fear inspires. whatever it takes for grace man. fish belly is a good blues name.

Julio Franco

.julio franco had a funky swing. .spit seeds all the time. .blood red eyes and speed. .pudge was built like a brick shithouse. .rocket arm and dark stares. .doubles up the gap. .juan was the best of all. .lanky, long, and lean. .puffed up and his joints went out. .the pitchers always let them down. .a parade of over the hill and green. .mr washington talking bout fundamentals. .ruben sierra was closest to clemente. .got caught up in chicken fighting. .the island life is hard core.

Mud Rains the afternoon the skies were red.  wind had all day to cause the big dust up.  dirt in mouths and cussing.  day after day it blew.  followed by mud rains and temporary calm...         

Sagecrest Farm

dreamed i went to this campout there was food and games all the drink you wanted  folks showed up from everywhere staking out their plots and tossing horseshoes on the banks of the brazos complete with a small lake talked about overpaid cowboys and 3 dollar moochers followed the game plan and picked up the trash lost some shades and slept under a leak landowner never lost his cool and most everyone was calm heavy metal songs and stupid bluffs in the end you found your treasure never had a bad meal at chilis stop at the corner of dude lane and lazy bend road peer at the sky the blue is blazing neon and the clouds are electric meet you back at sagecrest farm sometime   

The Next Einstein

.not sure we'll exist in heaven. .maybe we'll just hover. .possibly we'll squirm. .we could be forever asleep. .one huge long dream. .chased by a robber. .floating on clouds lightly. .reading minds and healing. .all the wounds of life. .disappear into space. .perhaps a disco ball hangs in the middle of it all. .glittering the black punkishly. .spinning always. .momentum has never stopped. .crowds of the faithful await. .knowing nothing but believing. .the truth glows in our souls. .rings in our ears. .shines in our eyes. .outlasting the old folks. .penetrating the bleak. .the next Einstein. .writing on a chalkboard. .blowing the minds of the young .your will is always corrupted. .your ways are always selfish. .your knowledge is wrong. .only the word. .only the word is love.

Microphone Jackson

.the arrangements are tight. ..added a solo verse with a haunting guitar.. ...the message was too overpowering... ....directly from the seat of the soul.... .....that martin had a clean noise..... .......minor chords filling the space....... .the sword was the word. ..riffs and sounds never heard..  ...edgar winter group was big back then... ....mexican horns and strings.... .....that jumping part needs it's own stage..... ......backup singer sounds just like stevie nicks...... .my seagull's getting a tuneup. ..polish the frets and a perfect bow.. ...sam houston died a sad man... ....should have never joined the yankees.... .....look south my frontier brothers..... ......covert designs and all...... .follow the moon. ..keep the peace as long as we can.. ...hypocrites will talk of reasonableness... ....politicians will make back room deals.... .....leaders will smell of grease..... ......occupiers will rise again...... .double standards and broken pr...

Wild Oating

any ole dude or dudette can write a poem. just start spilling words, don't even have to rhyme. forget forms and traditions and draw them words. any ole chump or chick can make a bed. pull them sheets tight, tuck them under good. puff up them pillows and stretch out long and lean. any ole hunk or floozy can do a dance. start tapping the feet, pop the arm movements. make wild eyes and suck in your cheeks. any ole amigo or senorita can sing a song. sing without holding back, articulate the endings. close your eyes if you must and just wail. any ole father or mother can make a baby or three. stick around for the raising, its your life's work. you already had your chance to go wild oating.

Spring Dripping

the dripping of spring, wild weeds and flowers. the trees come alive again after spilling their color the previous fall. the exhaustion of it all. like an artist must feel after a finished painting. perfections all perfected, completely familiar with every detail. dreamt about. loved and hated. in the end, a reconciliation, or acceptance. otherwise, the trash can. these creators are a strange breed. walking on a glowing cloud one day, swimming in mud the next. memories and anticipation help to bridge until the next inspiration. ideas, places, people.  thinking in that order, but acting in reverse. the body does alert the mind. conditions and circumstance are fate's result, a culmination of a thousand decisions. free will being like a coin. two sides. then we get to heaven and hell and good and evil, which do exist, but it's a worn topic. we only have 30 thousand days if we live a long life, don't waste it debating the original fool. the devil's bee...

Hours Away

..awoke ahead of the sun.. roads still damp and cool ..slain by this world.. left to gasp for air and die ..good to see your face again.. the lines are gone for good robes and shoes.. strong and joyful all the time ..unannoyed and giving.. expected only to live forever ..time and flesh gone.. all forgave and all forgot ..transparent and glowing.. no malice or manipulation health concerns.. the fitness of samson ..the days will melt.. the nights will last and last ..dreams will come true.. it's only hours away