These rats. Political do-gooders with cash in the bank and paybacks. Kickbacks too. And trailers. Hustling folks and shaking trees. Wheeling and dealing. As it has always been when the masses are governed. Cynicism is easy, hope is hard. Illumination and transparency is required. These closed doors meetings have to stop. The brilliant and qualified are snakes, slithering to devour money. Because the love of money is strong. It will cloud all judgement and give false security. The devil is on the inside. We all have a battle in this war. We cannot win alone, or with money. The ghost, the ghost. But no attention is paid to the salvation voices, not asking for more. That is a seperate matter. Church and state kept apart. Forced apart, rather, by between the liners and sleezers. Speak your mind is all. Especially when asked. Be a person someone might ask. Don't be a rat. Banish disgust, anger, and grudges. Invoke patience, love, and forgiveness. Point to the words.