Load up the productivity, need to clear the line. Sleep is concluded for the day, ramp up another hour for tomorrow. Today's gonna be a breaker. Dial in some caffeine, an extra punch. Make sure to get grilled salmon for lunch.
Oxygen is the main ingredient, a constant stream, an unconscious life preserver, saving you from breath to breath. Clean the pumps obsessively. Cardio the vascular, keep the blood running, the mind can process it through. Hang upside down, let gravity bleed, too. The microchips are protected, waterproof up to a thousand pounds of pressure.
Wires are obsolete. Link it up you satellite star, bite it with your bluetooth. Two chatters for volume control, one for rewind. Jawbone music, that's it, move around, sway, pop, chop. Look at it go, moonwalk into a two step followed by a twirl.