Go for the tangible, actually make a difference. We'll send over word next time we need your nonsense. Infinite spectators must always pay attention, they must always know. Extreme observation is not for everyone. It's a mad and made up world.
The problem is not only lack of system, but lack of reach, too. You said it, brother. System first is best, then the reach. The other way would seem inauthentic, forced. Make it part of something bigger, a project, a creation.
The dearly departed shall not be regarded as broken hearted or somehow martyred. However lazy, memories a bit hazy, we ran with the crazies and hung with the shadey. After all this, you'll be sorely missed for your bullet point lists and clever disses. Ho hum, hum bug, raise a coffee mug. Maybe a big group hug, ho hum, hum bug.