The light of the actual truth, which we knew. Change the subject, start lying and gaslighting, you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. Shame is your tax, money is your toll. Pay up, give us our money back, we'd like a refund on our funding. Send this demand to the Undersecretary Of Underwear immediately.
The dull and dumb are all for it, like a movie audience, they are hypnotized, jacked up on sugar and pills. They're covered in popcorn, they smell of sanitation. Baggy eyes, frail and mushy soft, filmed teeth, unflossed and yellowed. They disrespect, they snivel. No excuse for ignorance.
Bring the robots online, they will improve the situation. Take the wheel, but don't stall us out in the bad part of town. Send reinforcements, mechanics and programmers. Parts is always a challenge. One day, fusion batteries will solve alot of problems.