All beware of the chip shortage. Supply chains are whacked, the Fritos came in hot with the chili cheese, completely misreading the market, now there's no shelf space for the new line up of baked products. The Frito Chili Cheese Flood as the street is calling it, they flooded the damn market with Chili Cheese Fritos. Now, family bags are going for $1.25, Frito and Lay are getting crunched, everyone is demanding the baked products.
Next month it'll be natural gas and, of course, national toilet paper panic day, my favorite worry of the year. Lots of meat, lettuce, cheese, and coconuts. Anticipating. Eating up the worries, taking action. Been popping fish oil pills.
Inflammation busters, smooth out the spikes. Circulate and circulate. Move, keep moving, like the really old say, keep moving. Summon the thoughts and think them through, let the trivial pass on by. We got no time for trivial.