Only The Blockheads Are Real

One topic at a time, click, click, click.  Stories on a story board, stacked like blocks.  Of anything, of views and reviews, of fluffs and duffs, enough, enough.  Squeals and fires, shots and liars.  Only the blockheads are real, they'll sing anything.

Keeping the motor running, sending some oil your way.  These are mechanical devices, everything can't be in the clouds.  Chips and conductors and semi conductors.  We are the grid, make us all light up.  Make us all glow.

On next month's story board, a dark winter figure will appear, dressed for cold, checking in on the WiFi.  Then after that, some terrorism or invasion or other calamity.  Sit tight, stay tuned, get your rest.  Many worries to ignore, many fools to avoid, many casters casting and casting.  Trying to hook a fish.

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