Took a pass on obvious election fraud, they'll pass on freedom of religion, speech, self-protection, and Gulag mandates. And other liberties, depending on pigment. Prolly ban the F word, considering its recent publicity. Oh, and the Declaration Of Independence, along with Jefferson, has got to go. God Save The Queen!
These nine'll do nothing, a broken branch for sure. At least it's a solid industry, paid by the hour, crank it slow, new litigation opportunities on the horizon, slanders, larcenies, confinments. Lawyers are brilliant digital paper pushers, the best in the land, the crack hunters. The crease grease, they'll find it. Most politicians are lawyers for a reason.
The flashlight burns bright, perhaps brighter than ever, the dark rooms are lit. Good to know who your friends are, but critical to know where the enemy lurks. Once uncovered, they got nothing to lose. The swarmy meddling becomes indignant orders, the fear of exposure becomes intentional division, the superiority complex becomes homicidal justification. The way it's gone throughout human history.