Public shots seem a strange spectacle. Bringing the cameras around, commentary, for all to see the shots. On the whole, drunkenness has proven to be destructive, the regrets, the remorse. Politicians and officials, celebrities won't be far behind. Enough of this, shots should be private affairs, then you can really get down, give a shot toast, everyone shoot it at the same time, salute!
Smooth tequila straight up, lime and salt. Cheap and easy Kamikazes. Peach Schnapps layered with Bailey's. Tuaca Lemondrops topped with Grand Marnier. Shots are not some sort of farce, show respect, shoot moderately, keep it intimate.
Drink plenty of water before and after taking shots. Hydration is helpful and actually enhances the effect of the shot in many cases, takes the edge off, helps the landing, holds the euphoria for longer. These politicians and officials on TV are expressionless after taking their shot. Incredible really, most people contort their faces and sneer after taking a shot, probably won't do anything to them, doesn't seem that strong.