We are more free than you realize. Total, and without restrictions. Only our decisions hold us back, obedience and definance determined by calculations and instincts. Ramifications are usually miscalculated, impossible to predict the future consistently. Playing odds.
It will occur or not, happens all the time. Be mindful, but know that this spaceship will arrive somewhere. This orbit is for now, we are in a holding pattern, all things remain a go. Everything is required, even the unknown and nonsensical. Place your bets.
Dive down to the bottom of the back swamps, where the mud is stinky like death, like bloated and blood red. Where mosquitos drink their final drops, where worms thrive, where fat hungry gators wait, where they eat, where they shit. Let them have it, wallow and wallow, no venturing out. Lay in your pit. Do the belly crawl.