These particular lazy reporters are demanding proof and evidence before they will investigate. They are sorry. 'They suck' sorry, not the apologetic form of the word. In fact, these type of reporters are not ashamed, or even aware, of their incompetence, which renders them sorrier. No guts, no hunches, no smoke, no fires, no breakings, got to prove it to these particular lazy reporters.
Ignorant and hypocritical, when blind spots are blindfolded. One feeds the other, projecting, washing, cleaning, always cleaning. But light beats dark, we wonder, we color by numbers, we piece it together, we observe. Then we report, easy. Gonzo ethics, they are tried, they are true.
Snide back, shame back, cancel back, sour back, puke back. If you want, if you need. But these particular lazy reporters are jokes, their sarcasm is predictable, their irony is missing, they are depressing, it's really not worth the effort. Lots of blah, blah, blah. It's all fine, they will bore themselves to death in the end.