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Texico Nights: The U.S. Snitch Force


While Texico thrived, Americans lined up for quarterly income rations from their Hand Out Centers.  Eventually, these payments required a signed Declaration Of Conformity.  They had given up on liberty, the world was too scary.  They wanted protection from boogie people, from boogie thoughts, from boogie bugs, from boogie rays.  In 2037, it became illegal for any American to expose their own skin to the deadly sun.  It was for their own good.  Human driving was banned, eating more than 1000 calories a day was a crime, and musical volume could not exceed government mandated decibel standards.

Texicans were more fond of the sun, their ozone layer was enhanced by sky vapor technology that directed the harmful rays back into space.  From there, nuclear nodes collected the reflection energy and turned it into clean electricity.  Also in Texico, it was fine for a citizen to drive themselves to a restaurant, order whatever they wanted, and rock out.  Independent survey after independent survey indicated Texicans were the most joyful and kind people on earth.  A general sense of gratitude defined the culture, they didn't take their freedom for granted.  Even cussing was disallowed in America, although their Supreme Court voted 15-14 to remove the word "crap" from the official cuss list in 2040.  A similar effort to remove the word "bullshit" from the list failed narrowly, although the majority opinion made clear that "bullcrap" was acceptable.  All cussing was legal in Texico.

To keep everyone safe from each other, America created the U.S. Snitch Force.  Offenders of rules were ratted out, publicly shamed, and listed.  There were three lists.  The first, and by far the largest, was the Warning List.  Usually, the offenders were conformed and delisted after a year.  However, break another rule and be added to the Detention List, which required the wearing of a muzzle every other day and slashed quarterly rations in half.  About half of these were able to be conformed.  Persist in disobedience, and go to the final level.  This list was called the Pie Hole List and all were permanently exiled to Mongolia.

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