"The Bandana Brothers" by jpg
Known tennis street gang, the Bandana Brothers, marked their Houston territory. Garin is a badass. We should invite him into our network. We like his ethic. His care. His big point potential. And, he needs a bandana. He now goes no headwear. His head is open for the Vantaggio rainbow bandana...seriously. On to El Rey.
"Badassery" by AJ
A lot of Badassery comin through that sweet Houston neighborhood.
"Big Sam" by jpg
Drop shot day, this clay surface is slow.. The rain muddied the day, but not before El Rey. Where the tacos automatically come double tort. Culture merchandisers, they know what's up. Some feist is what is needed. And all the tricks of self defense. Mechanisms of protection, they will keep everything alright. Yes, move them side to side, but forward and back too. The third dimension is lobs and loops and kicks, take the game vertical. Big Sam has a gun. Serves make that echo pop. True, quick, reliable, and eventually deadly on the backhand. He has the whole game. Best player we saw play on the Royal Oaks Stadium Court. The first set against Spainard Garcia-Lopez was won on a 30/40 break point as the back and forth set was at 4-5. It was an incredible point. Best of the match. After a 20 shot rally, Querrey shot a killer quick backhand up the line for a clean winner. This happened right in front of the Vantaggio box. No messing around, Big Sam knows what to do with big points. Perhaps he has a Grand Slam run left in him. He has the game. Wish I could convince him of his potential, he probably needs another coach. Begin with the end in mind. Enhance strengths, never take them for granted. Calm, confidence, composure. McEnroe was, and is, great, but he left Grand Slams on the table. Could have won more. Likely, he would agree. There are only 4 per year to go around. Besides Querrey, the Americans have taken a smashing in Houston this year. He is the lone American left in the Lone Star state's premier tennis event. Of the 32 players to begin the 2019 tournament, 11 were Americans. One, Big Sam, made the Quarters. Players from South America, Europe, and Australia will join him. The USTA is a failed organization, it has not supported a tennis culture that will dig in and fight, that will refuse losing, that will burn slow. No brats, no whiners, no quit. We need tennis punks, with sneers and glares, with snarls and steam, with games that simmer. Big Sam, you are good enough. Win this damn thing!
"Pizza Motus" by peoplesDuke