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Red Mud Gonzo: Fifteen

"More About Confidence" by CB

Tradeshows - SAP, IBM, ORACLE.  It's just a conference and more about confidence than competence.  Just another trade show.  Not everyone goes.  Don't matter if its San Antonio or Orlando, it's just another trade show.

"Un Bandana Frère" by AJ

Un Bandana Frère extraodinaire. Allez Jo!

"Cedric Pioline" by TTop

Just found out that was Cedric Pioline on court with Chardy practising...with that big dude bombing backhand return of serve winners off that beautiful Chardy serve

"Hooks, Musically And Lyrically" by jpg

Put the chords on runway girl.  Hooks, musically and lyrically.  Will record soon.  Surprised my game was so strong during the Houston electric power hour.  Damn, I really smashed Joe!  2-0.  However, it was made clear it did not count towards our Insner Match tally before we started the 2 out of 3.  Think I'm up on that ....a few games.  Joe?   First to 70.  Y'all know.  I will mental barf.  Probably, but maybe not.  Contact point is the revelation.  King James opened my mind to simplicity.  And footwork is the key to contact point.  And agility is the key to footwork.  And agility drills are the keys to agility.  And overcoming laziness is the key to doing agility drills.  And intention is the key to overcoming laziness.  And decisions are the key to intention.  And awareness is the key to decisions.  And the 6 senses are the key to awareness.  The sixth being balance.

"Onward" by peoplesDuke

You were freaking right about returning on. Friday! However; if I had my druthers, we would be leaving River Oaks CC right now. Go Sam!  Galan v. Thompson. Who's last into the semis?  What a great tournament!  Vantaggio can own the challengers and 250 events.  Onward.

"Weekend Morning Rain"  by TTop

The King, El Rey!  I haven't seen Galan, but I'm going with him!  Man I wish we were there right now! ...lovin this early weekend morning rain.

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