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The Hook Of Texas 30: High Dive


It's just higher here.  The highest elevated golf course in Texas is located in Marfa, the Balmorhea pool has a high dive, the landscape between is high, green, rocky, cliffy, and dreamy.  Highway 17 connected the two towns, with Fort Davis in between.  It went through Wild Rose Pass, the "higher pass", used to avoid the floods by native tribes and military regiments.  "Famed for its wealth of wild roses," the historical marker read.  

And actual oasis exists in Balmorhea, where locals float, snorkel, and swim in every season.  The temperature of the spring fed water remains between 72-76 degrees year round. It's the largest spring fed pool in the entire world.  The crystal clear water of the San Solomon Springs, also knows as Mescalero Springs, feeds the pool, which includes its own species of fish called Comanche Fish, almost minnow-like, found nowhere else on Earth.

After the cool cooldown, I drove to Marfa to play some golf.  It had been a few days and I needed to warm up for a round at renowned Lajitas Golf Resort the following day.  Despite its status as the highest course in Texas, the 9 holes in Marfa were flat and bland.  The wind was strong and continuous, the greens were tiny and raised, almost impossible to hit in regulation.  I avoided any doubles or triples, had 3 pars and 6 bogies--42 ain't bad, I thought.


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