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Gonzo Of Oz 8: Kiss Some Cheeks


Eat right, move around, talk to people, get out and about.  Make the rounds, slap some backs, kiss some cheeks, swoon.  Story time is next, you don't have to talk during story time.  Just listen and nod, don't forget your crooked smile, it makes you look human. Here's your cookie.

Nothing to notice here, if you haven't noticed by now, no need.  Dignity only matters to a point, then survival and defense take over.  Tired of taking one for the team.  The intellectuals are the dumb now, the suckers know the answers.  Truth is fleeting.

The real doctors will eventually get through and a hero is born.  Left disabled by a decayed brain, he will milk the sympathy to its nub.  His family will gather.  After much thought, prayer, and hand wringing, our President will...  Well, anyway. 

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