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Gonzo Of Oz 10: The Fire Chief Is Dead


"Nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to say.  We got it figured, though, there wasn't any fish smell within the entire interior perimeter.  It was all on the up and up, just your typical, everyday, goober boy taking shots from a sloped roof.  To anticipate that scenario is a bridge too far, who could predict the future.  We're only humans, theys, thems, and thats."

To defend the conclusions, they took no questions.  "How dare you question the conclusions.  These things matter, we're doing investigations and we can't comment on investigations as we're doing them.  Don't you see, don't you hear what I say?"  To this, I flipped him the bird, I was there for answers.

The press room was a mess, it was built for mourning, we weren't supposed to be thanking God.  But we mourn anyway, they're shooting at us now.  The fire chief is dead.  Only the lone shooter knows.  And all the others.

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