The scab is off. Hurts like heck, but we're on our way to wellness. Amazing the way our collective bodies heal. Too late now, it's a bleeder, find a band-aid for a few days, take it easy, another smaller scab will appear. Eventually, this final scab will fall off and our new flesh will take over.
The scar will never go away, it's with us 'til the end. As a reminder. The original accident, easy to avoid, but predictable, looking back. As all things are predictable, looking back. History is for learning lessons and inspiration, nothing more, nothing less.
Could've been worse, actually. The blade just missed a major artery and the vital organs seem intact. Our eyes are fine, lungs seem to work, gotta heartbeat that can't be beat. We still have our ways of flushing out the waste, soon we'll save tons of cash on diapers. They are full of shit.