The King Of Crumbs, helping working people, leading with courage, signing orders, making it so, winning. Look at that stride, check out that smirk, he's one classy fellow. Much of what we think we know is false, our brains have been implanted. Dull out the debris with breathing and imagining, meditation to eradication. Don't squander the truth.
Only the monks really know, the ones that clear the mind of distractions, remove desire from life. Needing only essentials, and wanting only essentials. They go without blubber and hair, they're out-of-the-know, they learn the secrets, they've gone beyond envy and greed, they know time. Wait for it, count it out, these days got numbers on them. Until we sleep.
Call it out, it's an effective method. To their faces, without a hedge, without anger. With apathy, in fact, these are merely the cares of this world, after all. Lying creeps with a hungry and gullible group of weak, lazy, dim nitwits chanting 'yas, yas, yas' mindlessly at their glowscreens. Fools care about those people.