Big stories from the headroom news patio, gasoline has hit the fan, nevermind the suffering refugees, nevermind the stink in the high heavens, nevermind somebody's robot speech. The death ticker is next, we've seen the thing, twice removed, arms length. The viralology experts have been replaced, the map pointers and war sages are pointing and mapping and suggesting. In other happenings, the new Batman movie is setting records. It's a story about a city being destroyed, innocent people being blown up, crazy weirdos, and corruption at the highest levels.
The spoonman in our White House has left his mind behind. Still stirring the race soup, he boosts it with vaccine injections and seasons it with Ukrainian patriotism. Glad he stays in Deleware most of the time, keep the human rot smell away from our presidential bedrooms. Like an undesirable guest, he should get blackballed on the AirBB reviews. One star, let's not rent to him again.
Turn to the movie screen for a while. Lots of death in Gotham City, the Garden Arena flooded, bridges fell, fire and explosions, and down goes the tin men. The audience sipped it up like kittens. But this is not a riddle, this is no joke, this is suffering, this is real milk. These are the executive producers of war.
The spoonman in our White House has left his mind behind. Still stirring the race soup, he boosts it with vaccine injections and seasons it with Ukrainian patriotism. Glad he stays in Deleware most of the time, keep the human rot smell away from our presidential bedrooms. Like an undesirable guest, he should get blackballed on the AirBB reviews. One star, let's not rent to him again.
Turn to the movie screen for a while. Lots of death in Gotham City, the Garden Arena flooded, bridges fell, fire and explosions, and down goes the tin men. The audience sipped it up like kittens. But this is not a riddle, this is no joke, this is suffering, this is real milk. These are the executive producers of war.