The media that cried wolf, few believe them anymore. Only the willing suckers, only the wannabe lollipops, only the dazed and confused. The real news is your common senses, what you think, feel, hear, smell, and see. What you know. Your own data analysis, your own math.
The faces of our leaders are melting, few are following, few are even taking their calls. The old skin of America, thin and blemished. Their instincts are delayed, their responsiveness is unacceptable, their accessibility is gone. Create your own nation, a spinoff, a separatist state, out of this loop of war. Uninformed, without experts, clean.
The cowards are waking now, now that the sun is shining bright on the truth, as it does. By midmorning they will reset, by noon the t-shirts will be ready. They'll be cowards again by early afternoon, pretending to be fighting in a war. Stealing the glory of others, suffering nothing, risking nothing, braving nothing. Wearing a pin.