20/20 Gonzo 27: Dripping With Sanitizer

The drive-thrus are thriving.  Everywhere cars and trucks line up to get to the window.  The window slides open and the touchless transactions occur, efficiently inefficient.  One at at time, a sad modern day symbol of the population's sacrifice and misery.  Dripping with sanitizer, served with a smile.

One party has banned males from becoming Vice President.  Seems odd.  Who would wanna be VP any way, unless you could get bribes or something.  But, one has to have a taste for that kind of money, too greasy for my stomach.  A shitty way to get rich.

Black Saturday leaves us shamed.  Weak and unable to do anything about it, the tomb is closed, everyone scattered, ran like chickens.  Ran to the chicken coupe, wait it out in the feathers, settle in for a nice rest.  The rooster's been crowing low, before the light, before glory, because glory's for tomorrow.  Today he just crows low.

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