1. The water settles down calm eventually, the wind, currents, and waves come and go like a careful melody.
2. The parade goes by, a movie reel is following, wrapped and sent to processing.
3. Change is for others, evolution is the way there.
4. And there must be defined.
5. After dreams come true, after the blessings, after knowing life goes on forever.
6. Becoming a true person, not enduring, without worry, without regret.
7. Give it away, it's not worth the time, it's not worth the effort.
8. Gratify your mind with space.
9. Follow nothing, seek nothing.
10. Maslow had too many issues.
11. Simplify desires and find a working cycle.
12. We are creatures, after all.
13. The manufactured sounds of waves somehow keeps the birds away.
14. Protect the isolation for now, the desolation angel will come soon.
15. No good company.