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Scuz Bucket

Fool of all fools.  The most foolish.  Fooled.  Plain dumb.  Stupid.  Beyond moronic.  Really unintelligent.  Very extremely dim.  Not funny dumb, more idiotic.  The humor is undeniable, though.  Cope.  Just cope.

But, must we become dumb too?  Our intelligence eliminated.  Insulted.  Ignore the known.  The motivations are clear, fairly predictable.

The flashlight is out, the whole house will be searched.  All the nooks.  The crannies too.  Look through it all.  The scuz left over after emptying the scuz bucket is difficult to scrape off.  Bleach, gasoline, comet, steel wool, acid, it's all been tried.  Still, the scuzziest scuz remains.

The sledge hammer has done its job.  Demolition is the fun part, honestly.  The nostalgic might cry a bit early on, but quickly it turns to maniacal participation.  Dangerous swinging and leveraged stances.  Give them room, wear safety goggles.  Debris will fly, dust will go everywhere, it will cover everything.  We can clean it later.

Fools, all can agree they are fools.  Even the fools can agree they are fools, they'll agree with anything.  Like scuzzy fools.

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