Call up the Docs, Doc.
A domestication of our dispositions.
Intentional characteristics.
Special breeds.
Calmer in thought, loyalty ingrained.
Easily tamed.
It's in the genes!
Physical, intellectual, emotional.
Just good old fashioned DNA.
All the strands in these lands.
And, if we know.
We can, and should, manipulate.
Before it's too late.
And the pit bulls take over the land.
Figuratively, of course.
Run the future models quick.
Predict with statistical methods.
70% certain, open the curtain.
All environments cannot be controlled.
Hope will always be relevant.
One day or night we will invent new traits.
The best ever invented.
Like the Moon said to Venus.
As they floated and spun.
Completely selfless.
Kind hearted.
Living currently.
Without past regrets or future worries.
Anxiousness will cease to exist, in fact.
Listening in and contemplation.
Understanding others.
Darwinism is all, survival of the best.