They mixed up the colors before anyone.
Indians, Mulattoes, Irish, and the blondes.
In North Carolina no need to pretend.
Nobody cared about the color of your skin.
His paw and brother were taken and shot.
Said they was part of some Yankee plot.
Henry Berry Lowry vowed to make em pay.
The Lowry War is known to this very day.
Robbed the wealthy class like Robin Hood.
Scuffletown folks were bout out of food.
Killed the head of the Klu Klux Klan.
Escaped to the swamps with all his men.
Grey men with chains arrived in the night.
Took the Lowry wives, locked em up tight.
Henry sent a note, say he'd spare their lives.
Better let em go or no one stays alive.
Of course they were freed right away.
Everyone knew Henry meant what he say.
By all the powerful he was surely feared.
In '72 Henry Lowry just disappeared.
They mixed up the colors before anyone.
Indians, Mulattoes, Irish, and the blondes.
In North Carolina no need to pretend.
Nobody cared about the color of your skin.