"Sorry about that 10 grand. But Pell Grants are off the charts and if you become a teacher, we got your back. Wink, wink, ya know. Where's the crapper, I gotta go. These tamales are rank around here. Bust a gut, King Tut."
Then he stumbled away, like a fool. Back to the mask, back to his room. Jacked up on needle juice and ludes seemed to me. Summon the White House Docs! Who's drugging this man?
Face facts. This is bad news, and a drop in the bucket. Think of all the other guilty greasers, red, blue, white, grey, gay, straight, black, and otherwise. Selected, elected, and protected. The bribed tribe.
Then he stumbled away, like a fool. Back to the mask, back to his room. Jacked up on needle juice and ludes seemed to me. Summon the White House Docs! Who's drugging this man?
Face facts. This is bad news, and a drop in the bucket. Think of all the other guilty greasers, red, blue, white, grey, gay, straight, black, and otherwise. Selected, elected, and protected. The bribed tribe.