"Imagine the hours of driving, imagine the right way to plot it, develop a skeleton of a plan. To see the most, to hear the most, but not too much, certainly not rushed. Make it easy, make it happen, you're not on your own anymore, man. You've got responsibilities, you're now a guide, a scout, a catalyst." This was my silent conversation with myself as I was planning a roadtrip to the 2023 Viva Big Bend Music Festival with my favorite daughter and my other favorite daughter.
No more wandering aimlessly, digging everything in sight, gawking, driving in circles, blabbering nonsense, this was a different deal, time to put my travels to good use. The music will hit, the Texas Tycoons, Butch Hancock, and Blan Scott return; the Los Texmaniacs, The Hot Tamales, and West Texas Exiles are interesting additions, and Doug Moreland at Château Wright near Ft. Davis on Sunday afternoon is a legendary closer. He's the local musical prodigal. Works with chainsaws and fiddles, writes songs about clowns and dads in Cadillacs and bringing back the swing. Perfect for brunch.
The rest is far out driving, far out riding, and far out scenes. Dunes and telescopes, El Camino del Rio (River Road 170) and Balmorhea, Mule Ears and The Boathouse, Chinati walks and ribeye dinners. My daughters will do some driving, it'll feel different, there'll be questions, there'll be anticipations, there'll be silent astonishments. It'll be far out.