Frivolous litigation and slandering, how pussies fight. Staffs of lawyers, working the dirty courts, rusting the gears. Paper pushers, money sluts, greedy and greasy. The underground war of motions, objections, delays, retainers, and fees. The scam of depositions, subpoenas, indictments, and appeals.
Never-ending streams of revenue, the lobby of all lobbies. They know the lingo, they test the line, they bend the system, they break the trust. America's destruction, one lawsuit at a time. Death by argument, loud and obnoxious. Slow and messy.
Rumors and leaks and media manipulation models, robotic and fake. The human news readers will soon be obsolete, personalities are so last decade. The public is taken for idiots, and many are idiots, but not all. Rational folks avoid the mush media, we have our own news. We fight like the Stoics, we endure.