Shell of a corrupt, career politician performing at a 3th grade level. Lame, America. Pigment pimps respected for their courage in stirring the spoon of open racism. Lame, America. Celebrations and parties for the right to exterminate a fetus.
Lame, America. Obvious FBI hoaxes and bald faced lies accepted as rational fact. Lame, America. Poke the police in the eyes, then razor wire up the capital city and hide like a pussy. Lame, America.
Gulp up the media mush, vomit out the talking points, and refuse questions. Lame, America. Exploit envy and hardship, talk all folksy, kill Ukrainians and Russians, bring up democracy. Lame, America. "Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel will cling," said Bob Dylan.