The detecting is automatic now. The best kind of automation, automation of the human mind, thinking through a process and pathway, a certain method of thought. Starts with the push, the reason we're being swayed. For money, love, or hate, it's one or more of those, could be all three. The motive could be the only thing that's true.
Note the audience, could be mere validation for those already convinced or casual proclamations to sofly nudge the go-alongers. Flimsy stuff. A more independent thinking group, a rational and curious group, requires other actions. The identify and avoid tactic is the most used. Can't fool those listeners, those with one raised eyebrow, those unconvinced, those with tuned senses, those that ask.
False until proven true, the new news. And, of course, the proof is false too, and must be proven true, and the proof of the proof and so on. There is plenty of light in fiction, it's non-fiction that fools. Make it all up, blame the sources, blame the screens, blame the rich and poor. A decision has been made on your reporting.