"Use The Pixels" by jpg
This is bullshit, no TV yet. WTA all damn day! Any cameras in Houston? Gilbert? Tennis Channel? Get the red mud asetetic going, use the color of the season to capture viewers, use the pixels. What a giveaway, two whole days of wasted opportunity. Maybe test out some new announcer talent. Like AJ. Or Billy, think of that! Cheap ass bean counters.
"Girls Tennis" by King James
Agreed. They showed girls tennis during a rain delay of girls tennis. I literally watched them dry off the lines on a clay court.
"Nail The Coffin" by jpg
Aww, man. Nail the coffin, Garin! Sock will wilt......Match point!......Breaks to win the 3 setter.
"Up Early" by AJ
Can't wait. I'm up early to get some work done and drive down this afternoon. Hoping to see you guys at the NK vs Tommy Paul match at about five pm at river oaks. Dinner after?
"Flex Otherwise" by TTop
I have a place I want to go one day for breakfast or brunch...I'm flex otherwise but El Rey should be on the list for consistency sake, great coffee and breakfast tacos! Yes sir!! Let's hit a good grub spot, PG I'm on time, leaving in about 10.
"Red Mud Mansion" by jpg
Gotta check into our Red Mud Mansion, then off into the Houston culinary night.