Investigate each other, we don't care. Meaningless at this point. The sham is on display, this banana republic is about to get peeled. Slip out while you can, it's gonna get slick quick. Your gig is up, go peacefully, quietly, or not, either way.
The poor poor people, woe is them, on behalf of all kind, rational peoples. Let's all help poor people, even if you're poor, help the poor. And the needy! The needy people need us, even the poor need to help the poor needy people. The banana farmers are looking out for themselves, they won't help.
Until then, mute the airwaves, the soundwaves, and the glowwaves, there is no skipping out. Time must occur. Defiance and birds all the way, more of a fuck off than a fuck you. End the wasting, laugh them off. Shrug.