Toss out the independent minds, things can't be thought. Thinking could take us off the path, rationality has already been considered. That letter won't do nothing. Mash it in a boiling pot of potatoes, the scum floats to the top, this is Harvard's doing. Empty are your degrees, lame are your decrees.
Research in the name of hatred, enabled by envy and greed. Dividing tools of hell. That little devil whispering in your ear, freedom is an old idea, freedom is not your choice. A new freedom list will be updated every Friday. No time for questions today.
The Shame Of Kabul. Dusty brain rot, the skin greaser. Color yourself pale grey, plug the head follicles with modern plugs. Get some new teeth, you can't chew up America with those gums. We won't hear you. Freedom Of Mute shall never be denied, as the old saying goes.