The Glitter Spitters

Run for the office, waste your time on another's gold.  Mercenaries.  Fighting for a compensation line item.  Holding on so the judgment turns out right, so the evaluation is enough, just enough to be exceptional.  Get a few more bites.

Respectability to others and the loss of dignity, you tell me what to say.  Alignment of the simple kind, the only kind that works.  Some sort of brilliant trinity-- excellent, expedient, and exquisite.  The E's have it.  Can't touch this.

Then the story tellers, the twisters of yawns, the glitter spitters.  Utopia is nice and lush, green and full of money.  Flattery and support.  Watch for the lease and chain gang, the dotted liners, the small printers.  Move slow, knock holes, take it to the skeptics, talk yourself out.

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