Walked the bike up the last ridge at the Rio Blanco Canyon, the grades don't lie. That sandy road muffled the tires, that gravel had to be pushed through. Momentum takes confidence to reach its full potential, it must be used, it should never be wasted. Damn the stop signs, forget the social engagements, use the inertia to its end. Keep moving.
Quit plodding, no more mumbling, try not to moan and groan as much. Save it for the pain, save it for the fight. Wail and flail, krunk the funk, smatter and flatter, make em laugh. Slide under the barb wires, watch the christmas cactus, it'll catch you good. Cruise down rock pit road like a diesel truck, run forever.
Come clean with the goods, the deal, the story. Your face is in double vision, got a fever of 103. Like some foreigner in this free land, no one understands your ways, no one is down for what you are putting down. Your eyes are vacant, like a mutant, like a crawdaddy, like a sneaky coyote howling like a coward, waiting for the easy prey, the injured, the dying, the dead. Covering tracks, high on the hog.