Then he went on to call his opponent in the American Presidential Election of 2020, 'Gonzo'. Yes, stood up there on that Carson City airfield stage, with thousands screaming and waving flags, and said he was 'Gonzo'. Inferring his brain had been compromised, that he had been a better person before, or higher functioning to be clear. It was an interesting use of the word, but it fit in a way, everybody has a touch of 'Gonzo' in them, all minds alter. Can't remember what the president said next, maybe it will come to me later, should start writing my mental notes down.
Attention spans are on the decline, which is mostly good, our attentions have been wasted long enough. Dwindling is the market for the thousand page novel, the three hour epic movie, the seven minute rock song, the two hour lecture, the 18 hour work day, and long Major League Baseball games. Many people are not as bored, our life is filled with more things to experience. Even quick prayers work fine. Get on with it, those fortunate to live a long life only live around 35 thousand days.
Get your daily 8, your weekly 56, make the sleep hours happen, they are humanity's medicine, with dreams and tosses and turns and snores and rejuvenation. As with most everything, moderation is essential. Too much sleep, too many dreams, too many tosses, too many turns, too many snores, and too much rejuvenation is bad for balance. Work it out, 10 long breaths, really deep and full of oxygen, massive exhales. If that doesn't work, 2 Tylenol PMs, groggy is slightly better than tired.