Conventional wisdom indicates the reduction of skill and ethics in the journalism profession is obvious. However, some take exception to the notion of that notion, pointing out the skill and ethics of the profession had long been pathetic. Either way, we are changing all that, reporting from the middle, observing the far reaches of the story, understanding what is, so to speak. Wondering of thoughts and motives, mostly curious about the present and future, history is already known.
An upset is imminent, a boycott won't matter. The old diversions will disappear one by one, disappear as they were. Ain't even seen extremely upset yet, reality like a mud puddle to a washed car, when self-control is lost and fairness is demanded. Not a general fairness, but an edge to make up for previous unfairness, tangible or not, like a super fairness was earned somehow. Whining to the refs, ranting in the post game pressers, sulking in the hot tubs. Disbelieving.
Tops will pop. Streets will fill. Signs will proclaim. Same song and dance, no peace, no peace. Seems the peace out is close, wasting time has no future.