Checked in with the Warlord, but he skipped town and is working roof replacements in the various hurricane zones of America. Evidently, makes all his money in 6 months. Brilliant, leaves plenty of time for Warlording and art projects during the calm season. Left no number, no location, no nothing, just following hurricane damage, everybody's got to work. He had mentioned his love of seafood, especially shrimp and lobster, hope he's having a good meal somewhere, roofing is tough work.
Brando the dog has lost his hearing, most of his eyesight, much of his balance, but none of his spirit. Come on, man, keep it up, don't turn into a surly old Shih-Zhu. Don't snap when surprised, don't try doing things you used to do, enjoy your naps, drink water, keep scratching, be smart. 15 years is a long time for a dog, he's done alot, his dogness is proven. Rest easy, Brando, rest easy.
The West platform is interesting. Objective form, subjective concepts held within, framed by Word. In context and clear, aspirational. Creative art of the Kanye kind, protecting the creation of humanity itself. Among other things, his vow to avoid non interest advancing 'foreign quagmires' in the 4th way to Create A Culture Of Life seemed especially on point.