Somewhat dumb, and absolutely bold, to blame all viral deaths on one person. Only the American ones, I guess. Is the President liable for all the viral deaths in the world too? It must be a sick life to hope the viral death numbers go up, and likely few are actually hoping for more viral death, but some of these political sleazes seem capable, are capable, and are hoping for more viral death. It's merely a hunch, a gut feeling, like indigestion almost, like termite rot.
Evidently, we are all fighting for the soul of our nation, and the soul is worthy of the fight. Different than the body and the mind, it's mysterious and supernatural. The soul is an essence, eternal, the 7th sense. Soul has moves, it slides and glides, soul is swayed by the moon, soul is mood, and the mood of the country is vengeance. In reality, our soul will fight for itself, and win easily. The soul train will not be stopped.
Encouragement is lost, manipulation games. Mostly ignored by the sane, but not this sane journalist, not this 20/20 Gonzoer, I see clearly. A dank, dank picture emerges, a humorless mix of obedience, reliance, and mass moping. Live by the gaslight, die by the sunlight. Laugh in, laugh out, lighten up, loosen up, jump up, get on the soul train, where nobody mopes.