If I thought about all the people I know.
The ones that show up to the solo shows.
Friends that don't worry bout trivial things.
Like the flyest ride or the biggest ring.
When I think about all the people I knew.
Left on good terms, not mad, not rude.
Just over and done, no harms or fouls.
Moved on, usually following clouds.
Get the poison out of the ivy.
That seems the story of you and me.
The air is thick with dangerous things.
Modification is the name of the game.
Hear me good before we have to go.
Nobody knows what remains unknown.
Tell me everything you have to say.
Visions of the future and more happy days.
All the colors our eyes could ever gaze.
Changed the fortunes of broken DNA.
Cured the sickness before it came to be.
Revealed the secrets so we all believed.