Recently, a self proclaimed Top 10 mind and writer in the world prohibited me. Blocked like a rag doll for inquiring on his most famous quote. Thin skinned cigar smoker, sources say. I felt it was a layup, a chance for him to brag, he'd already bragged so much. Share your most famous quote, I was caught up in it, pass on your eloquent wisdom. The blocking made me curious, let's see what he had, and I found some solid quotes-- 1. "No need to be nasty." 2. "Ego is real, and I’ve been dealing with the mofo a lot recently." 3. "Just walk bro." Nothing that great, honestly, certainly nothing as brilliant as "Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge," from S. Adams, a bon-a-fide Top 10er. Spent almost 5 minutes researching I was so curious. Overall, it doesn't matter, we all got wisdom and minds and words to write. Told you so is for the told you so's. Somewhat like gnats, that irritating buzz. My mind and writing...