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Showing posts from January, 2024

Sources Say 4: Very Punk

  Recently, a self proclaimed Top 10 mind and writer in the world prohibited me.  Blocked like a rag doll for inquiring on his most famous quote.  Thin skinned cigar smoker, sources say.  I felt it was a layup, a chance for him to brag, he'd already bragged so much.  Share your most famous quote, I was caught up in it, pass on your eloquent wisdom. The blocking made me curious, let's see what he had, and I found some solid quotes--  1.  "No need to be nasty." 2. "Ego is real, and I’ve been dealing with the mofo a lot recently." 3.  "Just walk bro."  Nothing that great, honestly, certainly nothing as brilliant as "Nothing inspires forgiveness quite like revenge," from S. Adams, a bon-a-fide Top 10er. Spent almost 5 minutes researching I was so curious.  Overall, it doesn't matter, we all got wisdom and minds and words to write.  Told you so is for the told you so's.  Somewhat like gnats, that irritating buzz. My mind and writing...

Sources Say 3: Privileged Quaker Bastard

  They all gathered in a corner office on the administrative floor of the Humanities wing.  The privileged were instructed to stay away.  Forbidden, in fact.  Only the unprivileged could attend.  The people that have been given nothing, unknown or known.  No dudes, of course, or anyone of middle age.  Straight folks were out, something about cisgender, whatever that is, owning people were out, too.  I scratched my head, now I was just curious, my gonzo instincts clicked in like a 100 watt bulb.  I was gonna get into this meeting, undercover if I had to, on the sly.  I had to invoke my probable Kickapoo blood, walk with a limp, and speak broken, girly English, but the suckers let me in the door.  Surprised they fell for my black braided wig, but they seemed really gullible and dumb, it was easy. Almost blew my cover when I said we should start with a prayer, but I caught myself and clarified to start with a dare.  It was on!...

Sources Say 2: They Miss The Ink

  Related to manipulation abuse, but with a capitalistic twist.  They are paid by the manipulators and the victims of manipulation.  It's a winning business model until the walls come crumbling down on the street, until the curtains pull back.  You thought Oz was bad, at least they got you back to Kansas.  These journal jerks got nothing. Even a few of my sources have moved on, the wreck has left the place dim and disgruntled.  Evidently, what's-her-name stormed out of a staff meeting in tears, mumbling something about pills and booze and karaoke night.  Guess it didn't go well.  Everyone laughed at her when she left the room, seems a real toxic work environment.  They miss the ink. But that won't stop them from cheering on China, and for good reasons.  Ask the finance department.  Money's money, honey, and they got the name, the bull statue, the cufflinks.  They got smear jobs, insinuations, and an editorial board.  Somew...

Rocket Ride

  If you're gonna get in on that rocket ride. Gotta get rid of that hedging mind. Cash out half a few years from here. Keep half forever, leave it to your dears. Avoid the news, don't even sign in. Just make you confused, it's a lion's den. Tell you all about how the stock's 'bout to tank. While buying it cheap with money from the bank. They'll make you buy it high. Sell it low. The game is in your head. All you gotta do is hold. This supports this and that resists that. Drawing those lines on the technical map. Might win a few, might cash some checks. But one day soon they'll slash your neck. They make the markets, they make 'em go. All they wanna do is steal your gold. They'll take your debt, they'll take your fees. They'll leave you begging on your knees.

Sources Say 1: Loose Druggies

  The Wall Street Journal Headquarters has been gassed with a gas that limits seeing, hearing, and speaking.  Evil, and otherwise.  Some are worried this will render them worthless.  Many think they already are worthless.  Surely, they are a net negative to the overall American scene, they should be closed. Sell your data in a heartbeat, and charge you a subscription fee.  The screws only begin when you sign in, the rest is for your mind, a helping of manipulation.  Sell low, buy high.  Laugh when they cry, frown when they smile.  Upside down and easy. Common dirt diggers now, thinking they are part of the story.  Full of loose druggies, probably.  The worst kind of druggies.  Wall Street is a figment, a whiff, an oily smell.  A hole, sources say.

Infested Room At The Hyatt

  Watch for roaches at the Hyatt. Looks like they're having a riot. Think twice before you buy it. Infested room at the Hyatt. Thought this place was kinda nice. Should be, according to the price. The owner must be kinda tight. Gets his kicks on island flights. Watch for roaches at the Hyatt. Looks like they're having a riot. Think twice before you buy it. Infested room at the Hyatt.

Woody Guthrie's List

  1. Work more and better 2. Work by a schedule 3. Wash teeth if any 4. Shave 5. Take bath 6. Eat good — fruit — vegetables — milk 7. Drink very scant if any 8. Write a song a day 9. Wear clean clothes — look good 10. Shine shoes 11. Change socks 12. Change bed cloths often 13. Read lots good books 14. Listen to radio a lot 15. Learn people better 16. Keep rancho clean 17. Dont get lonesome 18. Stay glad 19. Keep hoping machine running 20. Dream good 21. Bank all extra money 22. Save dough 23. Have company but dont waste time 24. Send Mary and kids money 25. Play and sing good 26. Dance better 27. Help win war — beat fascism 28. Love mama 29. Love papa 30. Love Pete 31. Love everybody 32. Make up your mind 33. Wake up and fight ---Woody Guthrie, 1/1/1942