Pay the tuition, inject the juice, zip it shut, mask over those noses please. Quiet in the back! Single file now, six feet apart, don't go down that way, it's closed over there, cell block 9, we're marching to cell block 9. Might get hurt down that way, we all understand. Don't want a warning, a citation, or a reprimand, got to get a degree, must get a degree.
The outside world, the free, live in a different way. Ideas of their own, reasoning. Eyes aren't glazed and sure of everything, the outsiders are skeptical, they are curious. They ask, they talk, they go and do. They laugh and giggle and crack up.
Let the risk be rewarded, step out into the open. Gasp some air way down deep in the lungs, muffle out the exhaust. Confinement is like hazardous waste, it glows in the dark, it's radioactive material. Hear the motor sounds, hear them hum. Hear them move.