The Big Ignore Snore. Insurrections have lost their edge, nothing like the French. Or the Lybians, lots of walking around, lots of chanting, lots of single file, some prayers. Be interested to see all the tapes. Tragic about that vet gal, God bless her and her family. These DCers are people to ignore, people to shun, people to avoid. You will smell them, America is known for its collective bull dung detector. There aren't that many cleaned brains. Rational is the new intellectual, the intellectuals are out of intelligence. They irrationally bore things to death in think tanks. Spoiled ruiners, they ruin for sport, they ruin sports. Five rings of a cartoon, the ratings are fake, they are worse than reported. The middle finger don't work on the middle class. Time is ours, we devote it freely. We spend it how we want.